Detection of α-gliadin proteins in fermented dough and bread. The top image corresponds to the SDS-PAGE analysis of the gliadin fraction extracted from the dough and the bread shown previously (Figure 6). UD, unfermented dough; ScFD and WaFD, S. cerevisiae- and W. anomalus-fermented dough, respectively; BC, ScB, and WaB, bread obtained after dough UD, ScFD and WaFD were baked, respectively. The protein fraction of the soybean unfermented dough (SUD) was included as a negative control. The time at which the dough samples were taken is indicated. In the lower part, the immunodetection of the α-gliadins contained in each sample is shown. The monoclonal anti-α-gliadin antibody [14D5], which recognizes an amino acid sequence of the α-gliadin immunogenic peptide 33-mer, was used. Note that WaFD samples were loaded in a different order in the SDS-PAGE than the immunoblot.