Block 1. Experience of depression |
1. |
Do you know that depression is one of the most common health problems and is one of the most important causes of disability? Do you think it is given the importance it deserves? |
2. |
Do you think that the people around you are aware of the problem of depression and how difficult it is for those who suffer from it? |
3. |
What do you think are the keys to recovering quickly and well? |
Block 2. Information received by the patients |
1. |
When you were diagnosed, were you informed of all the treatment options for depression (drugs, psychotherapy, others…)? What about their risks and benefits? |
2. |
Do you think the information you received was enough? Would you have liked to have received more information? |
3. |
Did you receive information about how the drugs work and why they are used? Did you receive the same information for all the drugs or for some more than others? |
4. |
Do you consider that the information received about drugs was sufficient? Have you ever had any doubts about how a drug should be taken? Which one(s) and why? |
Block 3. Doctor–patient relationship |
1. |
Who made the decision about the treatments you were going to receive (between the two of you, you alone, or the doctor)? Would you have liked to participate more actively in the decision? Why? |
2. |
If you are concerned about a treatment issue, how do you resolve it? Do you consult your doubts with the doctor or look for information on your own? |
3. |
How would you describe the relationship you have with your doctor (psychiatrist)? Does he/she encourage you to ask all the questions you have? Do you feel that your preferences are considered? |
Block 4. The perception of the impact of the drug(s) |
1. |
What positive and/or negative impacts does pharmacological treatment have on your daily life? |
2. |
Do you feel different since you started taking antidepressant drugs? Why and in what way? |
3. |
Are you satisfied with the treatment? Why? Do you think it suits your needs, preferences, and lifestyle? |
Block 5. Adherence to anti-depressive medication |
1. |
Do you think your therapeutic adherence is correct? |
2. |
What do you think are the most common difficulties in adhering to the treatment? |
3. |
How do you think the following aspects influence you when taking or not taking a drug as prescribed by your doctor? |
Severity or type of disease |
Concern about the state of your health (symptoms of depression) |
Motivation to get better |
Optimal medication knowledge |
Trust in the healthcare professional |
Fear of side effects |
Duration and complexity of the treatment |
4. |
In case you have not complied with the treatment, has it been your own decision? |
If it was not your own decision, what was the reason? |
Forgetfulness |
Because when you travel or leave home, you forget to take your medication with you |
Due to difficulty in taking the medication or difficulty in identifying them |
Other(s) |
If it was your own decision, what was the reason? |
Believing that it was not necessary |
Not agreeing with the treatment (type of drug, dose…) |
Because the symptoms had disappeared or diminished |
Side effects |
Fear of dependency |
Fear of other causes (polymedication…) |
Due to mistrust or poor relationship with the doctor |
Economic reasons |
Other(s) |
5. |
Have you ever reduced or stopped taking antidepressants without telling your doctor? Why? |
6. |
Do you think that the individual characteristics of a person may have an influence when taking a medication as prescribed? Why? |
Age |
Gender |
Marital status |
Educational level |
Due to being affected by more than one health problem |
7. |
What kinds of support have you received to follow the treatment? Have they helped you? |
8. |
Do you think that health professionals can help the patient to take the medication as prescribed? How? |
9. |
Do you think that the following aspects can make it easier for a person to take the medication as prescribed? Why? |
The possibility of deciding together with the doctor which is the best treatment.\ |
The possibility of asking and clarifying all the doubts that the person may have about how they should take the medication |
The existence of a system that simplifies or facilitates taking the medication |
Have a reminder system |
Have healthy lifestyle |
The support of family and/or friends |
Do you want to add any other aspects that you consider important and that were not included in the interview? |