Short comfortable speed walk (SCSW)
The participant stands just outside the sensor range and walks towards the sensor at comfortable speed in response to an auditory cue |
Mean speed derived from pelvic center landmark movement in walk direction |
Gait speed [m/s] |
Mean step length, mean step width, and mean step duration over all (left and right) detected steps derived from left and right ankle landmark movement in walk direction |
Step length [cm]; Step width [cm]; Step duration [s] |
Mean gait cadence extrapolated from detected steps and recording length |
Gait cadence [steps/min] |
Mean angular arm swing amplitude (averaged over left and right averages) and absolute symmetry angle [32] (between left and right mean angular arm swing amplitude) derived from left and right wrist landmarks relative to manubrium landmark movement in anterior-posterior direction |
Arm angular amplitude [°]; Arm symmetry angle [n.u.] |
Short maximum speed walk (SMSW)
The participant stands just outside the sensor range and walks towards the sensor at maximum speed in response to an auditory cue |
Mean speed derived from pelvic center landmark movement in walk direction |
Gait speed [m/s] |
Short line walk (SLW)
The participant stands just outside the sensor area and, in response to an auditory cue, walks towards the sensor in tandem gait, i.e., walks on an imaginary line with the heels touching the toes at each step |
Mean and coefficient of variation of progression speed derived from pelvic center landmark movement in walk direction |
Progression speed [°/s]; Relative progression variability [%] |
Angular standard deviation and speed of upper body sway starting from pelvic center landmark |
Roll sway variability [°]; Roll sway speed [°/s] |
Line walk cadence derived from recording length and peaks of left and right ankle landmark movement relative to respective hip landmarks |
Line walk cadence [steps/min] |
Angular standard deviation and speed of arm movement angle (averaged over left and right) derived from elbow landmarks relative to respective shoulder landmarks movement in 3D |
Arm variability [°]; Arm speed [°/s] |
Stepping in place (SIP)
The participant walks on the spot at comfortable pace for 40 s |
Mean knee amplitude, mean step duration, and mean stance duration (averaged over left and right averages) derived from knee landmark movement in anterior-posterior direction |
Knee amplitude [m]; Step duration [s]; Stance duration [s] |
Mean stepping cadence extrapolated from detected steps and recording length |
Stepping cadence [steps/min] |
Absolute symmetry angle [32] (between left and right mean knee amplitudes) |
Knee symmetry angle [n.u.] |
Mean coefficient of variation of left and right “stride times” measured as time between knee amplitude peaks (i.e., slightly adapted from [23]) |
Arrhythmicity [%] |
Standing up and sitting down (SAS)
The participant sits on an armless chair, arms hanging to the side, stands up after an auditory cue and sits down again after a second auditory cue |
Speed of manubrium landmark movement in vertical and anterior-posterior direction |
Transition time (up) [s]; Transition time (down) [s] |
Range of manubrium landmark movement in anterior-posterior direction |
AP deflection range (up) [m]; AP deflection range (down) [m] |
Postural control (POCO)
The participant stands with closed feet and open eyes facing the sensor for 20 s; after an auditory cue subject closes eyes and remains in this position for another 20 s |
Angular range and mean speed of the body sway vector between mean ankle landmark position and pelvic center landmark during eyes closed and eyes open measurement conditions in pitch, roll, and 3D direction |
Pitch/Roll/3D sway range (open eyes) [°]; Pitch/Roll/3D sway speed (open eyes) [°/s]; Pitch/Roll/3D sway range (closed eyes) [°]; Pitch/Roll/3D sway speed (closed eyes) [°/s] |
Romberg ratio of sway range and sway speed in pitch, roll, and 3D direction—i.e., value for closed eyes condition divided by respective value for open eyes condition |
RR of pitch/roll/3D sway range [n.u.]; RR of pitch/roll/3D sway speed [n.u.] |