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. 2022 Dec 9;67:1605155. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2022.1605155


Prevalence of functional limitations among older adults (the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging Survey, South Korea, 2020).

Variable ADL disability IADL disability
Severe (%) Moderate (%) None (%) p-value a Severe (%) Moderate (%) None (%) p-value a
 Male 1.37 4.05 94.58 0.060 2.68 13.57 83.75 0.058
 Female 2.35 4.31 93.34 3.43 11.52 85.05
Age in years
 65-74 0.39 1.52 98.09 <0.001 0.83 5.39 93.78 <0.001
 75-84 1.88 3.89 94.23 2.71 13.71 83.58
 85 or older 7.37 14.24 78.39 12.06 32.50 55.44
Living arrangement
 With relatives 1.43 2.89 95.68 <0.001 2.18 10.16 87.66 <0.001
 Living alone 3.01 6.95 90.04 5.09 17.06 77.85
Educational status
 Elementary school or lower 2.79 5.94 91.27 <0.001 4.22 16.30 79.48 <0.001
 Middle school 1.05 2.88 96.07 1.96 9.17 88.87
 High school 0.96 2.50 96.54 2.02 8.26 89.72
 College or higher 1.59 1.59 96.82 2.12 7.94 89.94
Body mass index
 Normal 2.48 4.52 93.00 <0.001 3.81 13.07 83.12 <0.001
 Underweight 7.98 14.72 77.30 12.27 26.38 61.35
 Overweight 0.94 2.81 96.25 1.80 11.16 87.04
 Obesity 1.30 3.70 95.00 12.27 26.38 61.35
Physical activity
 Yes 0.23 1.38 98.39 <0.001 0.63 7.44 91.93 <0.001
 No 3.07 6.07 90.86 4.76 15.68 79.56
Depression status
 Yes 9.84 12.44 77.72 <0.001 12.95 25.39 61.66 <0.001
 No 1.57 3.81 94.62 2.65 11.78 85.57
Number of chronic diseases
 0 0.36 1.58 98.06 <0.001 0.73 5.95 93.32 <0.001
 1 1.13 2.48 96.39 1.68 9.14 89.18
 2 1.98 4.31 93.71 3.41 12.58 84.01
 3 or more 3.90 7.81 88.29 6.08 20.29 73.63

Chi-squared test is used to calculate p-values for the differences across ADL/IADL disability levels.

ADL, activities of daily living; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living.