Fig. 1. Abnormal MRTF-A localization in cells expressing mutated A-type lamins.
a Immunoblots showing the MRTF-A expression in nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts from C2-WT and C2-H222P cells (n = 3 independent experiments). Emerin and GAPDH were used as loading controls for the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions, respectively. Bar graph shows the quantification of MRTF-A (n = 3 independent experiments, mean ± SD). b Representative immunofluorescence micrographs of MRTF-A staining in C2-WT and C2-H222P cells treated or not with selumetinib to inhibit the phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Scan line graphs represent the intensity of MRTF-A staining along the yellow arrow lines. Bar graph shows the quantification of nuclear MRTF-A (n = 250, mean ± SD). Statistics: one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. c Immunoblots showing the MRTF-A expression in nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts of C2-H222P cells treated or not with selumetinib (n = 3 independent experiments). Emerin and GAPDH were used as loading controls for the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions, respectively. Bar graph shows the quantification of MRTF-A (n = 3 independent experiments, mean ± SD). d Immunoblots showing the p-ERK1/2, ERK1/2, cTnT, and GAPDH expression in protein extracts from cardiomyocytes derived from patient-specific human iPSCs carrying a LMNA mutation (p.S143P) and control (WT). e Representative micrographs showing the MRTF-A labeling of cardiomyocytes derived from control (WT) and patient-specific human iPSCs carrying the LMNA p.S143P mutation (S143P). Scan line graphs represent the intensity of MRTF-A staining along the yellow arrow lines. Scale bar 10 μm. The bar graph shows the quantification of nuclear MRTF-A (n = 350 cells, mean ± SD). f Fluorescence micrographs showing the MRTF-A labeling of heart cross-sections from 3-month-old male wild-type (WT) and Lmnap.H222P/H222P (H222P) mice. Nuclei counterstained with DAPI are also shown. Bar graph shows the quantification of cardiomyocytes with nuclear MRTF-A staining from heart sections of three different mice (n = 150 cells, mean ± SD). Statistics: for a, c, e, and f, unpaired two-tailed t-test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.