Fig. 8. Tectonomagmatic evolution of the Waroonga greenstone belt (WGB) and the Yilgarn lithosphere.
Cartoon outlining the tectonomagmatic evolution of the WGB and the Yilgarn lithosphere in the Meso- to Neoarchean. Note the change of scale from (a) to (b). a Long-term plate configuration characterized by the convergence between the Narryer (NT) and the Youanmi-Eastern goldfields terranes (YT and EG, respectively). Volcanism with an arc signature occurred in the Murchison41 (Mu), Marda63 (Md) and Cosmos61(Cs) areas. b The pre-orogenic period (until c.2750 Ma40) reflects the accumulation of a thick greenstone pile dominated by mafic–ultramafic volcanic rocks interlayered with BIFs, devoid of any clastic input40. The WGB developed at c. 2820 Ma, in the vicinity of the proto-Ida Fault. c Synmagmatic shearing along large-scale, east-dipping contractional structures, together with subaerial volcanism and development of high-energy sedimentary basins above a regional unconformity, mark the onset of the Neoarchean orogeny. Meanwhile, the WGB was buried to lower-crustal depths (12–13 Kbar35), along the Ida Fault, and subsequently partly exhumed to mid-crustal levels (7 kbar). Coeval volcanism with arc affinity occurred in the Cosmos area (Cs)61.d Mafic–ultramafic magmatism along the eastern margin of the Youanmi Terrane produced the Kalgoorlie Group greenstone sequence10 (KG). Asthenospheric magma (pictured in dark blue) was likely channelled along the main crustal-scale structure in the area, the Ida Fault. e Late-orogenic exhumation of the WGB took place along the Waroonga shear zone35, which channelled the emplacement of the syntectonic Waroonga Gneiss, transporting slivers of the WGB to their present position.