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. 2022 Dec 9;9:987887. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.987887


Demographic data and clinical features of participants in the CVA negative diagnosis group and CVA positive diagnosis group.

Characteristics and variables CVA negative diagnosis group (n = 98) CVA positive diagnosis group (n = 42) P-value
Age(years) 45.50 [28.25] 42.00 [29.50] 0.622
Gender, male (n,%) 34 (34.69%) 12 (28.57%) 0.480
Height (cm) 162.50 [13.00] 165.00 [14.00] 0.980
Weight (kg) 60.00 [13.00] 62.00 [19.25] 0.539
BMI (kg/m2) 22.49 [3.70] 22.81 [4.72] 0.356
Former smoker (n,%) 11 (11.22%) 4 (9.52%) 0.766
Symptom duration (months) 7.00 [10.25] 9.50 [9.50] 0.221
Symptom recovery time (days) 12.00 [15.25] 7.00 [5.50] 0.001
VAS1 75.00 [15.00] 80.00 [10.00] 0.001
ΔVAS 45.00 [47.50] 65.00 [16.30] <0.001
FENO (ppb) 21.50 [22.25] 33.00 [32.25] 0.010
WBC (*109/L) 6.11 [2.49] 6.73 [2.06] 0.465
EOS% 1.90 [1.65] 1.95 [2.55] 0.742
EOS (*109/L) 0.12 [0.12] 0.13 [0.20] 0.552
FVC%pred§ 100.20 ± 11.41 95.01 ± 13.34 0.021
FEV1%pred 97.00 [15.37] 87.05 [17.42] <0.001
FEV1/FVC 0.82 ± 0.06 0.79 ± 0.05 0.021
PEF%pred§ 97.00 ± 14.33 86.33 ± 18.68 <0.001
FEF25%pred§ 95.77 ± 18.57 81.58 ± 18.00 <0.001
FEF50%pred§ 80.10 ± 22.47 63.22 ± 14.19 <0.001
FEF75%pred 62.86 [32.98] 49.96 [33.97] 0.003
FEF25–75%pred§ 75.54 ± 21.97 59.63 ± 16.91 <0.001
ΔFVC 50.00 [112.50] 120.00 [197.50] 0.001
ΔFEV1 100.00 [145.00] 185.00 [115.00] <0.001
ΔFEV1/FVC 0.02 [0.04] 0.03 [0.06] 0.039
ΔPEF 255.00 [780.00] 350.00 [880.00] 0.792
ΔFEF25 265.00 [817.50] 450.00 [1015.00] 0.168
ΔFEF50 340.00 [530.00] 525.00 [507.50] 0.127
ΔFEF75 140.00 [280.00] 260.00 [250.00] 0.023
ΔFEF25–75 300.00 [395.00] 475.00 [397.50] 0.007
ΔFVC% 1.39 [3.87] 3.44 [7.69] 0.001
ΔFEV1% 3.77 [4.76] 7.99 [3.67] <0.001
ΔPEF% 3.89 [11.42] 6.45 [15.22] 0.588
ΔFEF25% 5.06 [13.96] 10.75 [21.65] 0.077
ΔFEF50%§ 12.94 ± 14.53 19.60 ± 18.87 0.025
ΔFEF75% 13.91 [31.98] 32.84 [43.87] 0.002
ΔFEF25–75% 12.63 [18.68] 23.24 [19.41] <0.001

FENO, fractional exhaled nitric oxide; VAS1, visual analog scale score at the first visit; ΔVAS, improvement of VAS from baseline to 4 weeks of treatment; WBC, white blood cells; EOS, eosinophils; BMI, body mass index; FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 s; PEF, peak expiratory flow; FEF25, forced expiratory flow at 25% of forced vital capacity; FEF50, forced expiratory flow at 50% of forced vital capacity; FEF75, forced expiratory flow at 75% of forced vital capacity; FEF25–75, forced expiratory flow at 25% to 75% of forced vital capacity; %pred, the actual measured value of spirometric indices as a percentage of the predicted value. Δ, increase in spirometric indices in BDR; Δ%, spirometric indices %, increase in spirometric indices as a percentage of the baseline value. §Mean ± standard deviation values; Median [IQR] values; Statistical significance is shown by bold font.