Figure S1. Intracellular and extracellular inhibition of TRPV4 by salbutamol.
(A) Representative traces of currents at +120 and −120 mV in the presence of GSK 300 nM (black), salbutamol, and only vehicle (purple). (B) Representative traces at +120 and −120 mV in the presence of GSK 300 nM (black) and GSK after salbutamol 500 µM applied from the intracellular sides of the membrane patch. Gray traces are leak or initial currents. (A, B, C) Average data for experiments in (A, B) and for data graphed in Fig 1E. Data were normalized to the initial value with GSK. The percentages of inhibited currents after different treatments are as follows: 12.8% ± 12% after vehicle only (n = 11), 35.95% ± 22.4% after salbutamol in the inside-out configuration (n = 13), and 54.3% ± 14.5% after salbutamol in the outside-out configuration (n = 14). *P = 0.0057 for vehicle versus salbutamol in in-out; *P < 0.0001 for vehicle versus salbutamol out-out; and *P = 0.0218 for salbutamol in in-out versus salbutamol in out-out, as indicated by brackets. One-way analysis of variance with Tukey’s post hoc test was performed.
Source data are available for this figure.