Figure 3.
Synergistic and additive combinations between erufosine and micellar curcumin with an inhibitory effect on cell proliferation and clonogenicity of the cell lines HuT-78 and MJ. Legend: (A)–isobolograms for HuT-78 and MJ cells, calculated by MAPLE software from a MTT assay, where CI stands for Combination Index, Fa 0.5 is the median cytotoxic effect (denoted with points), Fa 0.75 is the effect killing 75% of the cells (denoted with squares) and Fa 0.9 is equal to 90% dead cells (denoted with rhombuses); (B)—clonogenic survival (CFU assay) of lymphoblasts from the TWIST1 expressing cell lines HuT-78 and MJ after treatment with combinations achieving Fa 0.9, including the single drug effects of the respective concentrations. Drug A stands for ERF, Drug B stands for MCRM and Drug AB stands for combination between ERF and MCRM.