Figure 1.
Representation of the procedure for computing the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and the resting metabolic rate (RMR; i.e., resting energy expenditure [REE] estimated using the equation proposed by Weir [30] and assuming no urinary nitrogen excretion) using the measured volume of oxygen consumption (VO2) and volume of carbon dioxide production (VCO2) gas exchange (Panel (A)), and the procedure for computing each coefficient of variation (CV, in percentage; Panel B). These are actual data from a participant included in the present study. The blue line represents the VO2, the yellow line represents the VCO2, the black line represents the RER, and the red line represents the RMR (i.e., REE). In both panels, the data highlighted in gray represents the 5 min data discarded following current recommendations [15]. In Panel (B), the dashed line represents the data used to compute the CV for each gas exchange parameter (i.e., CV for VO2, VCO2, RER, and REE). In Panel B, the left y-axis represents the gas exchange in milliliters per minute (mL/min) and RER, and the right y-axis represents the REE in kilocalories per day (kcal/day).