Table 1.
Ref. | Year | Population | Comparison | miRNA | Outcome | Methodology |
Yan et al. [38] | 2021 | 48 VMC pediatric pts | 40 HCs | miR-146b | ↑ miR-146b in VMC pts compared to HCs | miRs in serum by qPCR |
Xia et al. [39] | 2020 | 30 VMC pediatric pts | HCs | miR-217 miR-543 |
↑ miR-217 and miR-543 in study groups compared to controls | miRs in blood by qPCR |
Goldberg et al. [40] | 2018 | 8 VMC pediatric pts | comparison of acute, subacute and resolution/chronic phase of VMC | miR-21 miR-208a |
↑ miR-208a in acute phase compared to other phases ↓ miR-21 in resolution/chronic phase compared to other phases |
miRs in serum by qPCR |
Zhang et al. [41] | 2018 | 26 VMC pediatric pts | 33 pediatric pts recovered from VMC | miR-381 | ↓ miR-381 in VMC pts compared to recovered pts | miRs in serum by qPCR |
Zhang et al. [42] | 2017 | 36 VMC pediatric pts | HCs | miR-133b | ↓ miR-133b in VMC pts | miRs in blood by qPCR |
Wang et al. [43] | 2016 | 119 VMC pediatric pts | 120 HCs | miR-1 miR-146b |
↓ miR-1 and ↑ miR-146b in VMC pts | miRs in serum by qPCR |
↑—increased, ↓—decreased, HCs—healthy controls, miR/miRNA—microRNA, pts—patients, qPCR—quantitative polymerase chain reaction, ref.—reference, RNA—ribonucleic acid, VMC—viral myocarditis.