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. 2022 Nov 23;9(12):410. doi: 10.3390/jcdd9120410

Table 1.

Summary of cases. All patients were managed with anticoagulation, aspirin, and compression stockings. All patients delivered at term, without obstetric complications; however, one patient developed a postpartum gonadal vein thrombosis after missing a dose of her anticoagulant. Abbreviations: GP: gravidity parity, GA: gestational age, DVT: deep venous thrombosis, LCFV: left common femoral vein, LCIV: left common iliac vein, IVC: inferior vena cava, MTS: May Thurner Syndrome, UFH: unfractionated heparin, CDT: catheter-directed thrombolysis, LSFV: left superficial femoral vein, LMWH: low molecular weight heparin, PP: postpartum, ASA: aspirin, SVD: spontaneous vaginal delivery, US: ultrasound, IOL: induction of labor, IVUS: intravenous ultrasound, LEIV: left external iliac vein. * a: index pregnancy, b: subsequent pregnancy.

Case/Age GP History GA at MTS Diagnosis Diagnostic Modality Management Obstetric Outcome Complications (Obstetric/Venous)
1/29 G2P2 9 Doppler/Duplex US (DVT LCFV to tibial), MRI/A/V (DVT extending from IVC, LCIV, LCFV, c/w MTS), venography (MTS) UFH, CDT, balloon angioplasty of LCIV and LSFV. Adjusted dose LMWH, continued through 8 wks PP, ASA, compression stockings. LCIV stent PP. SVD at term None
2a */29 G1P1 h/o DVT, known MTS with h/o LCIV stent NA Initial diagnosis with Duplex US (MTS) Adjusted dose LMWH, transitioned to UFH, ASA, compression stockings. LMWH continued for 6 wks PP with ASA. IOL at 39 wks, SVD
Female 3690 g (83%)
2b /32 G2P2 NA Adjusted dose LMWH, transitioned to UFH, ASA, compression stockings. LMWH continued for 6 wks PP with ASA. IOL at 40 wks, SVD
Male 4470 g (98%)
3/33 G2P2 Known MTS with h/o LCIV stent, followed by complete stent occlusion NA Initial diagnosis with Duplex US, venogram/IVUS (MTS) Adjusted dose LMWH, transitioned to UFH, ASA, compression stockings. LMWH bridged to warfarin postpartum. IOL at 39, SVD
Male 3060 g (27%)
4/33 G4P4 Pelvic/perineal varicosities 3 Duplex US (pelvic congestion, reflux and collaterals), venogram/IVUS (MTS) LCIV and LEIV stents placed early pregnancy (prior to knowledge of pregnancy). Prophylactic LMWH transitioned to UFH, ASA, compression stockings. Prophylactic LMWH PP. SVD at 39
Male, 3593 g (69%)
Gonadal v. thrombosis 6 d PP,
(single missed dose of LMWH)