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. 2022 Nov 25;12(12):1186. doi: 10.3390/membranes12121186
CFD computational fluid dynamics
DLL dynamic link library
HFMC hollow fiber membrane contactor
ODE ordinary differential equation
PDMS Polydimethylsiloxane
PE property editor
PS process simulation/process simulator
SDM solution-diffusion model
UO Unit Operation
VB Visual Basic
ACE Acetone
Ar Argon
CH4 Methane
CO2 Carbon dioxide
EtOAc Ethyl acetate
EtOH Ethanol
H2 Hydrogen
H2O Water
HAc Acetic acid
He Helium
IPA Isopropyl alcohol
N2 Nitrogen
O2 Oxygen
List of Symbols:
A membrane area [m2]
dfiber inner diameter of fiber [µm]
i, j as subscripts the ith/jth compound of the mixture [-]
k number of compounds [-]
lfiber fiber length [cm]
n molar flow [mol/s]
P,p feed pressure, permeate pressure [bar]
nF,np feed molar flow, permeate molar flow [mol/s]
wF,H2O, wp,H2O feed/permeate weight fraction of H2O [-]
x,y molar fraction [-]
xF,xr feed molar fraction, retentate molar fraction [-]
yi permeate molar fraction closed end [-]
yp permeate molar fraction [-]
Q permeance [mol/(m2*s*Pa)]
αi ideal selectivity for the ith compound [-]
ϵ number of fibers [-]
θ stage-cut [-]