Table 3.
First Author, Year of Publication and Country | Intervention | Outcomes | Results |
Liu et al. [40], 2020, China | 2 sess/wk; 6 wk; 10 min/sess RMT (Threshold PEP): 3 set * 10 breaths (60% MEP) Cough: 3 sets, 10 active coughs Diaphragm training: 30 breaths, ballast 1–3 kg Stretching Home RMT training: 30 reps/day breaths and coughs |
FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, DLCO 6MWT SF-36 ADL: FIM Scale Anxiety and depression: SAS scale, SDS scale |
Changes from baseline (IG) ↑* FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, DLCO ↑* 6MWT ↑* SF-36 ↔ FIM ↓* SAS ↓ SDS IG vs. CG ↑* FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, DLCO ↑* 6MWT ↑* SF-36 ↔ FIM ↓* SAS ↓ SDS |
Longobardi et al. [41], 2022, Brasil | 3 sess/wk; 10 wk Aerobic training: 20–45 min walk, Borg Scale [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] Strength training: 6 exercises, 3–4 sets, 10–15 reps, Borg Scale [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] Stretching |
Handgrip test, 30-STS Modified Balke treadmill exercise protocol, Time-up and go FSS |
Change from baseline ↑Handgrip test ↑ 30-STS ↑Balke protocol ↑ Time-up and go ↓ FSS |
Mayer et al. [42] 2021, USA | 2 sess/wk; 8 wk; 40–80 min/sess Aerobic training: 15–45 min, RPE [4,5,6] Strength training: 10–20 min, 10–15 rep, RPE [5,6] RMT: diaphragmatic reeducation |
MRC-sum score, handgrip test, lower-extremity unilateral leg press MRC dyspnea scale Time-up and go, 6MWT Eq-5D-5L |
Change from baseline ↑ MRC-sum score, hand-grip test, leg press ↓ MRC dyspnea scale ↑ Time-up and go ↑ 6MWT ↑ Eq-5D-5L |
McNarry et al. [43], 2022, United Kingdom | 3 sess/wk; 8 wk; 20 min/sess RMT: 6 sets * 6 breaths (80% SMIP) |
MIP, SMIP FITr, TDI Chester step Test Fitness K-BILD Daily activity: wrist accelerometer Mental health: TSRQ |
Change from baseline (IG) ↑* MIP, SMIP ↑*FITr, TDI ↑* Chester step ↑*K-BILD ↑ Daily activity ↔ TSRQ IG vs. CG ↑* MIP, SMIP ↑FITr, ↑* TDI ↑ Chester step ↑* K-BILD ↑ Daily activity ↔ TSRQ |
Nambi et al. [44], 2022, Egypt | 4 sess/wk; 8 wk Aerobic training: 30 min LI (40–60% HR max); HI (60–80% HR max) Strength training: 3 sets/group, 10 reps, 10 RM Stretching and diaphragmatic breathing: 15 min at the beginning and at the end of the training session |
Handgrip test Muscle mass: Magnetic resonance SarQoL Kinesiophobia: Tampa Scale |
Change from baseline (LI) ↑ Handgrip test ↑ Muscle mass ↑SarQoL ↓Kinesiophobia Change from baseline (HI) ↑ Handgrip test ↑ Muscle mass ↑SarQoL ↓Kinesiophobia LI vs. HI ↑* Handgrip test ↔ Muscle mass ↑* SarQoL ↓* Kinesiophobia |
Pancera et al. [45], 2020, Italy | 1 sess/day; 25 days; 20–45 min/ sess Aerobic training: cycloergometer lower/upper extremity; 20–30 min Strength training: 3 set, 8–10 reps, 50–70% 1 RM RMT (Threshold PEP): 20 min, 10 cm H2O Neuromuscular electrical stimulation: 30 min quadriceps, 15–20 mA |
MIP, MEP MRC-sum score BMI, quadriceps circumference SPPB BID EuroQoL ADL: BI |
Change form baseline ↑ MIP, MEP ↑ MRC-sum score ↑ BMI, quadriceps circumference ↑ SPPB ↓ BID ↓EuroQoL ↑ BI |
Piquet et al. [46], 2021, France | 2 sess/day; 5 days/wk; 20 min/sess Submaximal aerobic training: cycloergometer Strength training: strengthening with body weight exercises (sit-to-stand, tiptoe stands, squats), elastics, and weights, 3 sets, 10 reps for each exercise RMT: controlled diaphragmatic breathing, with work on the inspiratory and expiratory times |
Handgrip test: left/right hand Strength upper extremity ADL: BI |
Change from baseline ↑* Handgrip test left hand ↑*Handgrip test right hand ↑* Strength upper extremity ↑* BI |
Santos et al. [47], 2021, Peru | 3 sess/wk; 5 wk; 11–75 min/sess Aerobic training: Coordination/balance exercises Strength training: resisted strength TENS CDTM Kinesitherapy: Passive/Active Stretching Manual therapy: Maitland Concept |
Daniels strength test Balance: Unipodal Station Pain test: numeric pain scale Mobility: ROM |
Change from baseline ↑ Daniel’s test ↑Unipodal Station test ↓ Numeric pain scale ↑ ROM |
Udina et al. [48], 2021, Spain | 7 sess/wk; 10 days, 30 min/sess Aerobic training: cycloergometer, stairs and walking, 5–15 min, Modified Borg Scale [3,4,5] Strength training: 2–4 exercises, 2 sets, 10 reps, 30–80% 1 RM Balance: 2 exercises (static and dynamic) |
Strength lower extremity SPPB 6MWT Walking speed FAC Balance ADL: BI |
Change from baseline (ICU) ↑* Strength lower extremity ↑* SPPB ↑* 6MWT ↑* Walking speed ↑* FAC ↑* Balance ↑* BI Change from baseline (no-ICU) ↑* Strength lower extremity ↑* SPPB ↑* 6MWT ↑* Walking speed ↑* FAC ↑* Balance ↑* BI ICU vs. No-ICU ↑ Strength lower extremity ↑* SPPB ↑ 6MWT ↑ Walking speed ↔ FAC ↑ Balance ↔ BI |
Abbreviations: ↑: increase; ↓: decrease; ↔: without change; *: statistically significant changes (p < 0.05); sess: session; wk: week; min: minutes; RMT: respiratory muscle training; PEP: positive expiratory pressure; MEP: maximal expiratory pressure; Kg: kilograms; reps: repetitions; FEV1: forced expiratory volume in the first second; FVC: forced vital capacity; DLCO: diffusing lung capacity for carbon monoxide; 6MWT: 6-min walk test; ADL: activities of daily living; FIM: functional independence measure; SAS: self-rating anxiety scale; SDS: self-rating depression scale; IG: intervention group; CG: control group; 30-STS: 30 s sit-to-stand test; FSS: Fatigue Severity Scale; RPE: rate of perceived exertion; MRC: Medical Research Council; Eq-5D-5L: EuroQoL 5 dimensions 5 level; SMIP: sustained maximal inspiratory pressure; MIP: maximal inspiratory pressure; FITr: fatigue index time respiratory; TDI: transition dyspnea index; K-BILD: interstitial lung disease quality of life; TSRQ: Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire; LI: low intensity; HI: high intensity; HR: heart rate; RM: maximum repetition; SarQoL: sarcopenia quality of life; cm H2O: centimeters of water; mA: milliamps; BMI: body mass index; SPPB: Short Physical Performance Battery; BID: Barthel based on dyspnea; BI: Barthel index; TENS: transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation; CDTM: Cyriax deep transverse massage; ROM: range of movement; FAC: Functional Ambulatory Category; ICU: intensive care unit.