Figure 4.
(A) Biofilm formation by S. epidermidis O-47 in polystyrene 24-wells microtiter plate wells coated with Gut medium (NT), and SNC_TAE2020 dialyzed against 10 volumes of Milli-Q water with a 30kDa PES (D30); (B) Emulsification index (E24) of D30 (C) SDS-PAGE 12,5% stained with Coomassie Blue, protein profile of SNC_TAE2020 and D30; (D) Biofilm formation by S. epidermidis O-47 in polystyrene 24-wells microtiter plate wells coated with Gut medium (NT), and the fraction C2; (E) Emulsification index (E24) of the C2 fraction; (F) Protein profile of fraction D30 and C2, M: molecular weight marker (DOC-PAGE 10% stained with Coomassie blue) (G) Polysaccharide analysis of fraction C2 and D30 (DOC-PAGE 10% stained with silver nitrate).