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. 2022 Nov 27;20(12):747. doi: 10.3390/md20120747

Figure 6.

Figure 6

(A) Protein profile and polysaccharide detection of SNC_TAE2020 dialyzed against 10 volumes of Milli-Q water with a 30kDa PES (D30), fractions collected from the gel filtration process (C2), chromatography fraction eluted with methanol (MeOH), M: molecular weight marker (DOC-PAGE 10% stained with Comassie blu for protein visualization or silver nitrate for polysaccharide detection); (B) Protein sequence coverage obtained by LCMSMS analysis (C) Comparison of the amino acid sequences of Psychrobacter sp. TAE2020 Omp 38 and the OmpA of Acinetobacter Q8VPR9_ACIRA OmpA family protein OS = Acinetobacter radioresistens; Q4FCM8 Outer membrane protein A OS = Acinetobacter sp. V-26; Q6FE98 Putative Outer membrane protein (OmpA-like) OS = Acinetobacter baylyi; Q6RYW5|OMP38_ACIB2 Outer membrane protein Omp38 OS = Acinetobacter baumannii; hydrophobic loops were reported in yellow.