General information on interventions |
Author/year of publication |
Name intervention |
Explanation intervention |
Follow‐up period after intervention |
(Description of) category of intervention + references why chosen for this category |
CRF assessed as primary or secondary outcome |
Questionnaire to assess CRF |
Type of study |
Total number of participants and % breast cancer patients |
Language/country of intervention |
Recruitment/how to find intervention |
Inclusion and exclusion criteria, extra focus on time since primary treatment and age |
(Preference sensitive) attributes and patient characteristics |
Duration |
Intensity |
Usage by participants |
Introduction training |
HCP contact, including possible contact with the research team during the study |
Peer support |
Mode of content delivery |
Costs of intervention |
Effectiveness of intervention (also at follow‐up if studied) |
Experiences with intervention |
Patient characteristics of successful, adherent and dropped out participants |
Reasons for drop‐out |