Overview of the found psychological interventions and their aspects. In bold at the top, the range of the patient preference sensitive attributes is summarised
Author/year | Name | Type of intervention | Duration | Intensity | Intensity of usage | HCP contact | (A)synchronous | Type of study | #participants [started (finished)] | Relation to treatment | Primary/secondary outcome | Questionnaire | Study results |
Range of patient preference sensitive items | 6 weeks—6 months | Weekly usage or at own pace, two exceptions: 4×/week and daily use | 6/13 with HCP contact | Evenly divided between both options | All after treatment, one combined with during | 9/13 with significant improvement | |||||||
(van den Berg et al., 2015, 2012, 2013) | BREATH | Self‐management based on CBT components | 4 months | 1 h/week | Frequency: 0–45 logins (11 ± 7); Total duration: 0–2,324 min (337 ± 164); session duration: 24.7 ± 16.1 min; activity: 0–104 of 104 (50 ± 43) ingredients were opened | No | — | RCT | 150 (133) | After treatment, 2–4 months | Secondary | CIS—fatigue | ES = 0.32, −4.144, 95% CI [−7.404, −0.884] (p < 0.05)* |
(Kanera et al., 2017; Kanera, Bolman, et al., 2016; Kanera, Willems, et al., 2016; Willems et al., 2015; Willems, Bolman, et al., 2017; Willems, Lechner, et al., 2017; Willems, Mesters, et al., 2017) | Cancer aftercare guide [Kanker Nazorg Wijzer] | Tailoring and skills management, implemented using PST and CBT | 6 months | Users can choose what modules to visit and what assignments to make | Participants used 2.22 ± 1.58 modules, average time between first and last login: 10.7 ± 6.8 weeks | No | — | RCT | 462 (409) | After treatment, 4–56 weeks | Primary | CIS | B = −4.36, 95% CI [−8.03, −0.67] (p = 0.02), f 2 = 0.013, ES = 0.21 95% CI [0.02, 0.41]* |
(Yun et al., 2012) | Health navigation | Individually tailored education programme based on transtheoretical model and social cognitive theory or CBT | 12 weeks | At own pace | — | One of the components is named health professional monitoring, but no further explanation given | Unclear | RCT | 273 (243) | After treatment, max. 24 months | Primary | BFI and FSS | BFI global: −0.66, 95% CI [−1.04, −0.27] (p = 0.001), ES = 0.29. FSS: −0.49, 95% CI [−0.78, −0.21] (p = 0.001), ES = 0.27* |
(Owen et al., 2017) | Health‐space | Social networking intervention based on supportive‐expressive support group and coping skills training | 12 weeks | Weekly new module topic with 90 min guided chat. Other than that, own pace | ‐ | Weekly chat is guided | Synchronous | Pilot RCT | 347 (235) | Both during and after treatment | Secondary | POMS—Fatigue | ES = 1.19, 95% CI [0.01, 2.37] (p < 0.05)* |
(Mendes‐Santos et al., 2019) | iNNOVBC | ACT‐influenced CBT intervention | 10 weeks | 60 min/module, 1 module/week | — | Weekly feedback from therapist, possibility for videoconferencing | Asynchronous | Protocol for RCT | Goal: 158 | After treatment, 6 months‐10 years | Secondary | BFI and items of EORTC QLQC30 and QLQBR23 | Ongoing |
(Bray et al., 2017) | Insight | Cognitive rehabilitation with computerised neurocognitive learning | 15 weeks | 4 × 40 min/week | Average usage of 25.1 h (range: 0.2–55.8) of recommended 40 h. 27% completed programme | No | — | RCT | 242 (192) | After treatment, 6–60 months | Secondary | FACIT‐F | 2.44, 95%CI [0.25, 4.62] (p = 0.03)* |
(Dozeman et al., 2017) | I‐sleep | CBT for insomnia | 9 weeks | Six sessions, at least weekly | 59% completed all sessions | Weekly feedback from coach | Asynchronous | Pre‐post testing | 171 (100) | After treatment, 3 months‐5 years | Secondary | FSS | ES = 0.24, 95% CI [0.08, 0.39] (p < 0.01)* |
(Kelleher et al., 2021) | mPCST‐community | PCST based on social cognitive theory | 8 weeks | Daily use of mobile phone application, 4 × 50‐min video conference | — | Video conferencing session is guided and there is contact through the mobile phone application | Synchronous | Protocol for RCT | Goal: 180 | After treatment, max. 3 years | Primary | PROMIS—Fatigue scale | Ongoing |
(Abrahams et al., 2017, 2015) | On the road to recovery | CBT | 6 months | 8 modules, two‐weekly contact with therapist, no further timing indicated | Duration: 25 ± 4 weeks, e‐consultation consisted of on average 10 emails and 1 telephone/video consultation. 63–100% of the modules were indicated and opened | F2F session to start intervention, two‐weekly contact via email | Synchronous | RCT | 132 (125) | After treatment, min. 3 months | Primary | CIS – Fatigue | ES = 1.0, 95% CI [0.6, 1.3] (p < 0.001)* |
(Henry et al., 2018) | PROSPECT | CBT self‐management | 8 weeks | Unrestricted access, at own pace | — | No | — | Pilot study | 50 (45) | After treatment, min. 3 months | — | PROMIS 29 – Fatigue | ES = 0.84, −5.23 ± 8.0, (p < 0.001)* |
(Corbett et al., 2016) | REFRESH | CBT | 8–10 weeks | 45–60 min/week | — | No | — | Protocol for RCT pilot | Goal: 80 | After treatment, min. 3 months | Primary | PFS‐R | Ongoing |
(Foster et al., 2015, 2016; Grimmett et al., 2013; Myall et al., 2015) | RESTORE | Increase self‐efficacy using verbal persuasion, goal setting, vicarious experience, psychosocial support, and CBT | 6 weeks | 30 min/week | 71% logged on to session 1,2 and at least one third session. 60% did four sessions and 43% all sessions | No | — | Exploratory RCT | 159 (118) | After treatment, max. 5 years | Secondary | BFI | 0.353 95% CI [−0.293, 0.999] (p = 0.28) |
(Ritterband et al., 2012) | SHUTi | CBT for insomnia | 9 weeks | 45–60 min/module, 6 modules, next opens week after completion of previous | Users logged in 15–61 times (38 ± 16), 86% completed all cores | No | — | RCT | 28 (28) | After treatment | Secondary | MFSI‐SF | ES = 1.16 (p < 0.01)* |
(Zachariae et al., 2018) | 4.1 ± 2.5 cores were completed, 60% completed all cores | 255 (203) | FACIT‐F | ES = 0.42, 95% CI [0.14, 0.70] p (<0.001)* |
Abbreviations: ACT, acceptance and commitment therapy; BFI, Brief Fatigue Inventory; CBT, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; CI, confidence interval; CIS, Checklist for Individual Strength; EORTC‐QLQ‐C30 and QLQ‐BR23, European Organization for Research and Treatment Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire—general and breast cancer specfic; FACIT‐F, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Fatigue; FSS, Fatigue Severity Scale; HCP contact, contact with healthcare professional; MFSI‐SF: Multidimensional Fatigue Symptom Inventory—Short Form; PCST, pain coping skills Training; PFS‐R, Piper Fatigue Scale—Revised; POMS, profile of mood states; PROMIS, Patient‐Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; PST, problem solving therapy; RCT, randomised controlled trial.
Significant improvement.