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. 2022 Nov 16;31(6):e13754. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13754


Overview of interventions combining different categories of interventions and their aspects

Author/year Name Type of intervention Duration Intensity Intensity of usage HCP contact (A)synchronous Type of study #participants [started (finished)] Relation to treatment Primary/secondary outcome Questionnaire Study results
Range of patient preference sensitive items 8 weeks—6 months Daily use–usage at own pace–once/twice per week 5/8 with HCP contact About evenly divided between both options 2× during–5× after–2× both All significant improvement
(Bruggeman‐Everts et al., 2015, 2017; Wolvers, 2017; Wolvers et al., 2015) More fit after cancer [fitter na Kanker] – eMBCT MBCT 9 weeks 30 min/day, 6 days/week, at most 4 h/week 38% were non‐adherent (adherence defined as following >70% of intervention) Weekly feedback from therapist Asynchronous Pilot study 257 (159) After treatment, min. 6 months Primary CIS t(18) −13.27 (p < 0.001), ES = 1.45 (*)
Three‐armed RCT 167 (139) After treatment, min. 3 months Chi^2(2) = 10.89 (p = 0.004), ES = 0.94 (*)
(Nápoles et al., 2019) New Dawn [Nuevo Amanecer] SCP programme with activity tracker, phone calls based on social cognitive theory 2 months Daily step goal, within 2 months, 5 times a weekly phone call Calls lasted 15 ± 3.4 min, 19/23 completed all calls, app is synchronised 4.4–5.7 times per week and checked 4.2–5.9 times per week 5 weekly phone calls by health coach Synchronous Single‐arm feasibility/mixed methods 23 (21) After treatment, max. 1 year Primary PROMIS – Cancer – Fatigue scale with adjustments ES = 0.4, B = −0.26 (p = 0.02) (*)
(Holtdirk et al., 2021, 2020) Optimune CBT extended with mindfulness‐based techniques and dietary and physical activity advice 3 months 30–45 min/module, 16 modules Intervention was used for 25.7 ± 33.9 days No RCT 363 (306) After treatment, min. 1 month, max 5 years Secondary BFI ES = 0.23 CI = 0.02 to 0.44 (*)
(Smith et al., 2019) Reimagine Coping skills training, mind–body therapy, and CBT 18 weeks At own pace, access any time Online introductory meeting is guided Synchronous RCT 122 (86) Both during and after treatment FACIT‐F ES = 0.46, t‐test = 2.2 (p = 0.034) (*)
(Grossert et al., 2016; Urech et al., 2018) STREAM CBT and MBSR 8 weeks Daily use of exercises, one module per week Median duration: 11.7 (IQR 9.1–18.6) weeks. 80% used at least 6/8 modules, 75% worked with all modules Weekly feedback given via email Asynchronous RCT 129 (117) During treatment Primary FACIT‐F 4.51 95% CI [1.81, 7.22] (p = 0.002) (*)
(Spahrkäs et al., 2020a, 2020b) Untire CBT and psychoeducation, MBSR, exercise instructions and positive psychology 12 weeks At own pace, daily use is recommended, preferably at least once a week Three equal groups, high users (33%): ≥ 9 days in total, medium users (33%): ≥ 3 days total, low users (33%): ≥ 1 day total No RCT 799 (335) Both during and after treatment Primary FSI Fatigue severity: F(3,1912) = −4.55 (p < 0.01), ES = 0.40. Fatigue interference: F(3,1912) = −4.10 (p < 0.01), ES = 0.35 (*)
(Zhou et al., 2020) WeChat Rehabilitation on physical, psychological, and social aspects, using the HBM framework 6 months Daily rehabilitation information is provided A group of a doctor, nurse, researchers, and postgraduate trainee provided daily information Asynchronous RCT 111 (103) During treatment Secondary NRS No group effect, there is a time effect: F = 3.52 (p = 0.02) (*)
(Lee et al., 2014) WSEDI Exercise and diet intervention, based on the TTM theory 12 weeks Use regularly, at least twice per week 89% of the participants consistently participated in the programme No Pilot RCT 59 (57) After treatment, max. 12 months Secondary BFI p = 0.032 (*)

Abbreviations: BFI, Brief Fatgue Inventory; CI, confidence interval; CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy; CIS, Checklist for Individual Strength; FACIT‐F, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy—Fatigue; FSI: Fatigue Symptom Inventory; HBM, health belief model; HCP contact, contact with healthcare professional; MBCT, Mindfulness‐based Cognitive Therapy MBSR, Mindfulness‐based Stress Reduction; NRS, Numeric Rating Scale; PROMIS, Patient‐Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; RCT, randomised controlled trial; SCP, survivorship care plan; TTM, transtheoretical model.


Significant improvement.