Examples of the endoscopic and EUS findings of SELs. (A) Umbilication or central dimpling, (B) erosion or ulcer, (C) erythema, (D) hemorrhagic spot, and (E) translucidity. (F) EUS image showing a homogeneous hypoechoic SEL (asterisk) with a distinct border; (G) EUS image showing an SEL involving muscle propria layer (white arrows) with heterogeneity, mixed echogenicity, indistinct border, and deep attenuation; (H) EUS image showing anechoic foci (white arrow); (I) EUS image showing hyperechoic foci (green arrow) with acoustic shadowing that suggests calcification; (J) EUS image showing an SEL involving submucosal layer (green arrow indicates hyperechoic submucosal layer) with hyperechoic echogenicity, homogeneity, and distinct border. EUS, endoscopic ultrasonography; SEL, subepithelial lesion.