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. 2022 Dec 17;14(24):5371. doi: 10.3390/nu14245371

Table 3.

Randomised Controlled Trials of Plant-Based Diets and Lipid Profiles.

Reference Country Population (n) Sex Age (Years) Intervention (n) Study Length/Design Outcomes * Results Significance
Acharya et al. [42] USA Overweight/obese (143) M/F LOV-D: 45.2; STD-D: 43.5 LOV-D (64) vs. STD-D (79) 6 months (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs, Changes from baseline (%): LOV-D: TC: −4.7, LDL-C: −6.1, HDL-C: −5.5, TGs: −3.8. STD-D: TC: −1.2, LDL-C: −4.2, HDL-C: −3.0, TGs: −1.26 Both diets lowered lipid outcomes from baseline, but differences between diets were non-significant (p > 0.05)
Ågren et al. [34] Finland Rheumatoid arthritis (29) M/F VG: 49.0; NVD: 53.0 VG (16) vs. NVD (13) 3 months (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.94; LDL-C: −0.74; HDL-C: −0.16; TGs: −0.11 p < 0.001 for TC and LDL-C; p > 0.05 (ns) for HDL-C and TGs
Barnard et al. [26] USA Healthy pre-menopausal women (35) F All: 36.1 LFVG vs. usual diet + placebo pill 5 menstrual cycles for each arm (crossover) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, VLDL-C, TGs TC: −0.54; LDL-C: −0.3; HDL-C: −0.2; VLDL-C: +0.08; TGs: +0.18 p < 0.001 for all but TGs (p < 0.01)
Barnard et al. [29] USA T2DM (99) M/F LFVG: 56.7; ADA: 54.6 LFVG (49) vs. ADA-recommended diet (50) 22 weeks (parallel) TC, non-HDL-C, LDL-C, HDL-C, VLDL-C, TGs ITT analysis: TC: −0.09; non-HDL-C: −0.05; LDL-C: −0.03; HDL-C: −0.05; VLDL-C: +0.03; TGs: −0.04; Medication-change-adjusted analysis: TC: −0.38; non-HDL-C: −0.29; LDL-C: −0.31; HDL-C: −0.08; VLDL-C: +0.01; TGs: +0.01 ns (p > 0.05) difference between groups for all outcomes in ITT analysis; significantly lower TC (p = 0.01), non-HDL-C (p = 0.05) and LDL-C (p = 0.02) in analyses adjusted for medication changes.
Barnard et al. [30] USA T2DM (99) M/F LFVG: 56.7; ADA: 54.6 LFVG (49) vs. ADA-recommended diet (50) 74 weeks (parallel) TC, non-HDL-C, LDL-C, HDL-C, VLDL-C, TGs ITT analysis: TC: −0.18; non-HDL-C: −0.21; LDL-C: −0.11; HDL-C: +0.01; VLDL-C: −0.02; TGs: −0.29; Medication-change-adjusted analysis: TC: −0.35; non-HDL-C: −0.35; LDL-C: −0.26; HDL-C: −0.01; VLDL-C: −0.05; TGs: −0.32 ns (p > 0.05) difference between groups for all outcomes in ITT analysis; significantly lower TC (p = 0.01), non-HDL-C (p = 0.02) and LDL-C (p = 0.03) in analyses adjusted for medication changes.
Barnard et al. [31] USA T2DM (45) M/F LFVG: 61.0; portion-controlled: 61.0 LFVG (21) vs. portion-controlled group (24) 20 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: + 0.21; LDL-C: +0.02; HDL-C: +0.03; TGs: +0.52 ns (p > 0.05) difference between groups for all outcomes
Barnard et al. [28] USA Overweight (62) M/F LFVG: 58.3; MD: 56.6 LFVG (30) vs. MD (32) 36 weeks: 16 weeks × 2 (crossover) with a 4-week washout in between TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs, VLDL-C TC: −0.29; LDL-C: −0.28; HDL-C: −0.11; TGs: +0.23; VLDL-C: +0.11 Treatment effect: p = 0.04 for TC and LDL-C; p = 0.009 for HDL-C; p = 0.01 for TGs and VLDL-C
Burke et al. [41] USA Overweight/obese (176) M/F LOV-D: 45.4; STD-D: 43.3 LOV-D (90) vs. STD-D (96) 18 months: 12-month intervention, 6-month maintenance phase (parallel) TC, TGs Changes given in %: STD-D baseline to 18 months (preference group yes/no): TC: −1.4/+2.5; TGs: +1.0/−6.7; LOV-D (preference group yes/no): TC: +1.0/−0.1; TGs: +8.6/−5.5 ns (p > 0.05) difference between groups for all outcomes
Cooper et al. [44] USA Healthy (15) M/F All: 28.0 LOV vs. typical USA diet 6 weeks: 3 weeks × 2 (crossover) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.52; LDL-C: −0.41; HDL-C: −0.10; TGs: −0.02 p < 0.05 for TC; p < 0.025 for LDL-C; ns (p > 0.05) for other outcomes
Djekic et al. [46] Sweden Overweight (31) M/F LOV: 67.0; NVD: 68.0 Isocaloric LOV (16) vs. NVD (15) [both adhering to Nordic Recommendations] 12 weeks: 4 weeks × 2 (crossover) with a 4-week washout in between TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.13; LDL-C: −0.10; HDL-C: −0.03; TGs: +0.06 p = 0.01 for TC, p = 0.02 for LDL-C; ns (p > 0.05) for all other outcomes
Elkan et al. [35] Sweden Rheumatoid arthritis (66) M/F VG: 50.0; NVD: 50.8 VG gluten-free (38) vs. NVD (28) 12 months (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −1.2; LDL-C: −1.1; HDL-C: 0.0; TGs: 0.0 p < 0.001 for LDL-C; no significance test reported for difference between diet groups for all other outcomes
Ferdowsian et al. [27] USA Overweight and T2DM (113) M/F 21 to 65 LFVG (68) vs. usual-diet control (45) 22 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.21; LDL-C: −0.08; HDL-C: −0.10; TGs: −0.20 p = 0.002 for HDL-C; ns (p > 0.05) for all other outcomes
Gardner et al. [49] USA Healthy and overweight (120) M/F LFLOV: M: 48.0 & F: 48.0; LFD: M: 49.0 & F: 46.0 LFLOV (59) vs. Eucaloric LFD (61) 4 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.22, LDL-C: −0.18, HDL-C: −0.04; TGs: −0.01 Lower TC (p = 0.01) and LDL-C (p = 0.02); ns differences for HDL-C and TGs
Gonciulea and Sellmeyer [47] USA Overweight and pre-menopausal (173) F APD: 62.7; DPD: 64.5; NSPD: 62.2; SPD: 64.6 Energy- and protein-matched APD vs. DPD vs. NSPD vs. SPD 6 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs SPD vs. APD: TC: −0.56; LDL-C: −0.43; HDL-C: −0.14; TGs: +0.06; SPD vs. DPD: TC: −0.77; LDL-C: −0.69; HDL-C: −0.16; TGs: +0.14; NSPD vs. APD: TC: −0.35; LDL-C: −0.26; HDL-C: −0.09; TGs: +0.05; NSPD vs. DPD: TC: −0.56; LDL-C: −0.49; HDL-C: −0.11; TGs: +0.13 SPD vs. APD: p < 0.001 for TC and LDL-C, p = 0.008 for HDL-C; SPD vs. DPD: p < 0.001 for TC and LDL-C, p = 0.003 for HDL-C; NSPD vs. APD: p = 0.02 for TC, p = 0.04 for HDL-C; NSPD vs. DPD: p = 0.003 for TC, p = 0.005 for LDL-C, p = 0.05 for HDL-C; all other results ns (p > 0.05)
Hall et al. [37] USA Overweight (20) M/F All: 29.9 LFPBD vs. ABKD 4 weeks: 2 weeks × 2 (crossover) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −1.11; LDL-C: −0.72; HDL-C: −0.25; TGs: +0.34 p < 0.001 for all
Hunt et al. [45] USA Healthy (21) F All: 33.2 LOV vs. NVD 8 weeks: 4 weeks × 2 (crossover) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.37; LDL-C: −0.25; HDL-C: −0.14; TGs: +0.06 p = 0.001 for TC and LDL-C; p = 0.05 for HDL-C; p > 0.05 (ns) for TGs
Jenkins et al. [38] Canada Hyperlipidaemic (34) M/F All: 58.4 Statin vs. Portfolio Diet vs. low saturated fat control diet 3 × 1 month (crossover) intervention periods with a 2-to-6-week washout period between TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −1.12; LDL-C: −0.99; HDL-C: +0.04; TGs: −0.38 p < 0.005 for TC and LDL-C; ns (p > 0.05) for HDL-C and TGs; results were non-significantly different for all included outcomes
Jenkins et al. [39] Canada Overweight and hyperlipidaemia (44) M/F LCPBD: 56.1; LFLOV: 57.8 LCPBD (22) vs. LFLOV (22) 1-month parallel, metabolically controlled study TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs LCPBD: TC: −1.34; LDL-C: −0.96; HDL-C: −0.05; TGs: −0.86; LFLOV: TC: −0.83; LDL-C: −0.57; HDL-C: −0.08; TGs: −0.45 LCPBD had significantly lower TC (p = 0.001), LDL-C (p = 0.002), and TGs (p = 0.02) vs. LFLOV; ns (p > 0.05) changes in HDL-C between groups
Jenkins et al. [40] Canada Overweight and hyperlipidaemia (39) M/F LCPBD: 57.6; LFLOV: 55.3 LCPBD (20) vs. LFLOV (19) 6 months (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs LCPBD: TC: −0.66; LDL-C: −0.47; HDL-C: +0.04; TGs: −0.73; LFLOV: TC: −0.26; LDL-C: 0.00; HDL-C: −0.01; TGs: −0.45 LCPBD had significantly lower TC (p < 0.001), LDL-C (p < 0.001), and TGs (p = 0.005) vs. LFLOV; ns (p > 0.05) changes in HDL-C between groups
Kahleova et al. [23] USA Overweight (222) M/F LFVG: 53.0; Control: 57.0 LFVG (117) vs. usual diet control (105) 16 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.6; LDL-C: −0.5; HDL-C: −0.01; TGs +0.20 p < 0.001 for TC and LDL-C; p = 0.02 for TGs; ns difference for HDL-C
Ling et al. [36] Finland Healthy (18) M/F VG: 48.0; NVD: 37.5 Uncooked VG (including fermented foods) vs. mixed NVD 4 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.77; LDL-C: −0.74; HDL-C: −0.09; TGs: −0.31 No significance tests were conducted between groups. The VG diet significantly lowered TC (p < 0.001), LDL-C (p < 0.001), HDL-C (p < 0.01), and TGs (p < 0.05) vs. baseline values.
Mishra et al. [24] USA Overweight and T2DM (291) M/F LFVG: 44.3; Control: 46.1 LFVG (142) vs. usual-diet control (149) 18 weeks (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.21; LDL-C: −0.19; HDL-C: −0.07; TGs: +0.13 p < 0.01 for TC, LDL-C, and HDL-C; p < 0.05 for TGs
Nicholson et al. [32] USA T2DM (11) M/F LFVG: 51; Conventional LFD: 60 LFVG (7) vs. conventional LFD (4) 12 weeks (parallel) TC, HDL-C, TGs TC: 0.00; HDL-C: −0.18; TGs: +0.19 p < 0.05 for HDL-C, ns (p > 0.05) for TC and TGs
Shah et al. [33] USA Coronary artery disease (100) M/F VG: 63.0; AHA: 59.5 VG (50) vs. AHA-recommended diet (50) 8 weeks (parallel) TC, non-HDL-C; LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.13; non-HDL-C: 0.00; LDL-C: −0.21; TGs: +0.11 ns (p > 0.0015) differences between groups for all outcomes using linear regression analysis (Bonferroni correction applied)
Sofi et al. [43] Italy Overweight/obese with elevated TC or LDL-C or TGs or glucose (118) M/F LCLOV: 49.5; LCMD: 52.0 Isocaloric hypocaloric LCLOV vs. LCMD 6 months: 3 months × 2 (crossover) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.14; LDL-C: −0.24 mmol/L; HDL-C: −0.03; TGs: +0.14 p ≤ 0.01 for LDL-C and TGs; ns (p > 0.05) for other outcomes
Soroka et al. [48] Israel Chronic renal failure (9) M/F 30 to 85 Soya-based vegetarian low-protein diet vs. animal-based low-protein diet 12 months: 6 months × 2 (crossover) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.03; LDL-C: −0.10; HDL-C: −0.07; TGs: +0.56 ns (p > 0.05) for all comparisons
Wright et al. [25] New Zealand Overweight/obese with comorbidities (49) M/F All: 56.0 LFVG (25) vs. control (normal GP care; 24) 6 months (parallel) TC, LDL-C, HDL-C, TGs TC: −0.5; LDL-C: −0.4; HDL-C: −0.2; TGs: +0.2; Excluding dropouts: LFVG vs. control for TC: −0.56 p = 0.001 for HDL-C; ns (p > 0.05) for all other differences in outcomes; p = 0.05 for differences in TC excluding dropouts

Abbreviations: ABKD: animal-based ketogenic diet; ADA: American Diabetes Association; AHA: American Heart Association; APD: animal protein diet; DPD: dairy protein diet; F: female; GP: general practitioner; HDL-C: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; ITT: intention to treat; LCLOV: low-calorie lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet; LCMD: low-calorie Mediterranean diet; LCPBD: low-carbohydrate plant-based diet; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LFD: low-fat diet; LFLOV: low-fat lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet; LFPBD: low-fat plant-based diet; LFVG: low-fat vegan diet; LOV-D: calorie- and fat-restricted lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet; LOV: lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet; M: male; MD: Mediterranean diet; NVD: non-vegetarian diet; ns: non-significant; NSPD: non-soy plant protein diet; PBD: plant-based diet; SPD: soy protein diet; STD-D: standard calorie- and fat-restricted diet; T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus; TC: total cholesterol; TGs: triglycerides; VG: vegan diet; VLDL-C: very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. * Results are presented as the difference between interventions (PBD vs. comparison) for all trials except for Jenkins et al. [39,40]. All lipid measurements are given as mmol/L unless otherwise stated. Age is reported as mean, median, or range.