Identification of the major oxygenation products formed from arachidonic acid (AA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Activity assays were carried out with AA, EPA and DHA as ALOX substrate (100 µM). The major conjugated dienes formed during the incubation period were prepared by RP-HPLC and further analyzed by NP-HPLC. Product identity was concluded from co-chromatography with authentic standards in NP-HPLC. Two independent oxygenation assays were set up for each enzyme-substrate combination. Lipid extracts were pooled, conjugated dienes were prepared by RP-HPLC and further analyzed by NP-HPLC (see Section 4). (Panels A–C) AA oxygenation products, (panels D–F) EPA oxygenation products, (panels G–I) DHA oxygenation products. * This peak does not show the classical uv-spectrum of a conjugated diene and thus may not be considered a fatty acid oxygenation product. For better comparison of the product profiles each chromatogram was scaled to the highest conjugated diene peak and thus, direct comparison of the amounts of products formed by the different enzymes may not be possible.