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. 2022 Dec 22;479(24):2529–2546. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20220554

Table 1. Data collection and refinement statistics for Pfs230 D1D2 and Pfs230 Pro-D1D2.

Pfs230 D1D2 Pfs230 Pro-D1D2
Data collection statistics PIP-soaked Native
Wavelength (Å) 1.053401 0.968625 0.953732
Space group P43 P43 P1
Cell axes (Å) (a, b, c) 65.65, 65.65, 107.98 65.79, 65.79, 108.04 35.25, 50.85, 108.97
Cell angles (°) (α, γ, β) 90, 90, 90 90, 90, 90 99.19, 98.86, 94.66
Resolution range (Å) 46.52–1.90 (1.95–1.90) 46.52–1.93 (2.04–1.93) 48.54–1.90 (2.01–1.90)
Completeness (%) 100.0 (100.0) 99.9 (99.5) 97.3 (94.9)
Total no. of reflections 500793 (71081) 492491 (79050) 205972 (31105)
Unique reflections 71088 (5262) 34715 (5565) 56540 (8901)
Redundancy 7.0 (6.8) 14.2 (14.2) 3.6 (3.5)
Rmeas (%) 9.6 (109.2) 14.4 (149.4) 10.2 (87.2)
CC1/2 (%) 99.9 (75.3) 99.9 (73.2) 99.7 (68.5)
I/σ 13.59 (1.61) 16.64 (1.93) 9.44 (1.57)
Wilson B (Å2) 37.44 34.76 35.30
Resolution bin (Å) 46.52–3.50
Sites per ASU 3
CCall/CCweak (%) 28.08/ 20.67
Figure of merit 0.621
Refinement statistics
Rwork/Rfree (%) 16.4/20.5 17.7/20.7
No. of atoms
 Protein 2320 4942
 Water 298 377
 Ions 2
B factors (Å2)
 Chain A 39.6 39.8
 Chain B 42.3
 Chain C
 Chain D
 Water 45.6 42.1
 Ions 92.7
R.m.s. deviations
 Bond lengths (Å) 0.017 0.008
 Bond angles (°) 1.300 0.892
Ramachandran plot
 Outliers (%) 0.4 0.0
 Favored (%) 97.9 97.9
 Rotamer outliers (%) 0.8 0.2
 C-beta outliers 0 0
 MolProbity score 1.19 1.22

A single crystal was used for each data set.

PIP: Di-µ-iodobis(ethylenediamine)diplatinum(II)nitrate.

The values in parentheses represent the highest-resolution shell.