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. 2023 Mar 13;9(2):00575-2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00575-2022


Overview of demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population during hospital admission

Total# WHO ordinal scale 3 WHO ordinal scale 4+ WHO ordinal scale 5–7 §
n n n n
 Male sex 262 151 (58) 91 43 (47) 126 74 (59) 45 34 (76)
 Age at discharge years 262 58.6±14.2 91 55.8±14.8 126 60.0±14.8 45 60.3±10.2
 Education, two levels 239 130 (54) 83 55 (66) 115 56 (49) 41 19 (46)
 Body mass index kg·m−2 249 28.3±4.7 85 27.2±4.6 121 28.8±4.8 43 29.1±4.2
Smoking history
 Never 229 133 (58) 79 52 (66) 109 61 (56) 41 20 (49)
 Former 229 90 (39) 79 25 (32) 109 45 (41) 41 20 (49)
 Present 229 6 (3) 79 2 (2) 109 3 (3) 41 1 (2)
 Diabetes mellitus 262 22 (8) 91 1 (1) 126 14 (11) 45 7 (16)
 Hypertension 239 80 (33) 83 23 (28) 115 45 (39) 41 12 (29)
 COPD 262 13 (5) 91 5 (5) 126 6 (5) 45 2 (4)
 Obesity 249 78 (31) 85 19 (22) 121 41 (34) 43 18 (42)
Charlson comorbidity index
 0 262 186 (71) 91 72 (79) 126 85 (67) 45 29 (64)
 1 262 43 (16) 91 10 (11) 126 24 (19) 45 9 (20)
 ≥2 262 33 (13) 91 9 (10) 126 17 (13) 45 7 (16)
Hospital stay
 Length of stay days, median (IQR) 260 6 (3–12) 90 3 (1–4) 125 7 (5–11) 45 19 (16–28)
 ICU stay 262 51 (19) 91 1 (1) 126 8 (6) 45 42 (93)
  No. of days, median (IQR) 11 (5–15) 4 (4–4) 2.5 (3–1) 12 (7–16)
 Invasive mechanical ventilation 255 35 (14) 91 0 125 0 45 35 (78)
  No. of days, median (IQR) 10 (8–15) n/a n/a 10 (8–15)
 ECMO 250 1 (0.4) 91 0 126 0 45 1 (2)
WHO ordinal scale for clinical improvement
 3: No supplemental oxygen 262 91 (35) 91 91 (100)
 4: Supplemental oxygen 262 126 (48) 126 126 (100)
 5: Noninvasive ventilation or high-flow O2 262 10 (4) 45 10 (22)
 6: Invasive mechanical ventilation 262 34 (13) 45 34 (76)
 7: Invasive mechanical ventilation and additional organ support 262 1 (0.4) 45 1 (2)
Chest radiograph
 Normal 244 79 (32) 79 39 (49) 121 37 (31) 44 3 (7)
 One-sided opacities 244 43 (18) 79 17 (21) 121 21 (17) 44 5 (11)
 Bilateral opacities 244 122 (50) 79 23 (29) 121 63 (52) 44 36 (82)
Blood sampling at admission
 pHƒ 229 7.46±0.05 73 7.46±0.05 116 7.46±0.05 40 7.46±0.07
PaO2ƒ kPa/mmHg 231 9.8±2.2/73.5±16.5 73 11.0±2.4/82.5±18.0 117 9.4±1.9/70.5±14.2 41 8.8±2.1/66.0±15.7
PaCO2ƒ kPa/mmHg 231 4.4±0.9/33.0±6.7 73 4.5±0.7/33.7±5.2 117 4.3±0.7/32.2±5.2 41 4.4±1.4/33.0±10.5
 Base excessƒ mmol·L−1 223 2.1±1.9 70 1.7±1.1 113 2.3±2.1 40 2.1±2.1
 Lactate mmol·L−1ƒ 218 1.3±1.5 70 1.1±0.5 109 1.2±0.7 39 1.8±3.2
 Haemoglobin g·dL−1## 261 13.9±1.6 91 13.9±1.6 126 14.0±1.4 44 13.7±1.9
 C-reactive protein mg·L−1¶¶, median (IQR) 260 105 (33–190) 90 31 (6–63) 126 120 (59–174) 44 264 (178–338)
 Ferritin µg·L−1¶¶ 223 1428±1750 72 660±1006 108 1346±1367 43 2918±2531
 Lymphocyte count## (×109·L−1) 248 1.2±0.9 84 1.4±0.9 121 1.1±0.7 43 0.9±0.6

Data are presented as n (%) or mean±sd unless otherwise stated. WHO: World Health Organization; sd: standard deviation; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR: interquartile range; ICU: intensive care unit; ECMO: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; PaO2: arterial oxygen tension; PaCO2: arterial carbon dioxide tension. #: n=262; : n=91; +: n=126; §: n=45; ƒ: arterial blood analysis at admission; ##: minimum levels during hospital stay; ¶¶: maximum levels during hospital stay.