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. 2022 May 6;92(4):1384–1402. doi: 10.1111/bjep.12506

Table 3.

Multilevel models predicting student emotions with teacher closeness.

Enjoyment Pride Relaxation Boredom Anger Anxiety Relief Disappointment Shame
Fixed effects
Intercept 3.34 (.08)** 3.78 (.08)** 3.97 (.02)** 3.08 (.05)** 1.69 (.05)** 1.59 (.05)** 3.09 (.08)** 1.63 (.06)** 1.72 (.05)**
Closeness (gmc) 1.54 (.20)** .55 (.18)** 1.12 (.12)** −1.80 (.22)* −1.19 (.11)* −0.40 (.10) −1.76 (.19)** −0.33 (.13)* −0.34 (.11)**
Effort a 0.22 (.20) 0.25 (.18) −0.03 (.12) −0.12 (.21) −0.05 (.11) 0.08 (.10) −0.15 (.19) −0.08 (.13) −0.07 (.11)
Student gender −0.16 (.04)** −0.11 (.04)* −0.10 (.04)** −0.03 (.04) −0.06 (.03) 0.01 (.03) −0.11 (.05)* −0.08 (.03)* −0.14 (.03)**
Closeness (cmc) 1.58 (.10)** .84 (.10)** 1.46 (.09)** −1.67 (.11)** −1.53 (.09)** −0.83 (.08)** −1.45 (.11)** −0.62 (.08)** −0.64 (.08)**
Effort*Closeness −0.60 (.47) −0.89 (.49) −0.82 (.44) 1.09 (.54)* 1.41 (.42)** 1.07 (.38)** 1.29 (.52)* 1.19 (.37)** 1.19 (.36)**
Random effects
L2 (Intercept) .09 .06 .02 .11 .02 .01 .08 .03 .02
Pseudo R2 52% 14% 71% 54% 71% 50% 60% 0% 0%
L1 (Residual) .65 .71 .47 .68 .39 .41 .76 .42 .36
Pseudo R2 15% 7% 20% 17% 25% 9% 13% 9% 8%
Random slope <.01 <.01 .09 .18 .13 .02 .05 <.01 .03

Standard errors are within brackets. Effort represents the intra‐individual cross‐correlation between teacher heart rate and teacher closeness as externally observed. Effort*Closeness represents the cross‐level interaction between cluster mean centred student perception of closeness and the teacher level cross‐correlation between physiological effort and observed teacher closeness.

*p < .05; **p < .01.


Effort represents the intra‐individual teacher correlation between moment‐to‐moment observed closeness and teacher heart rate.