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. 2022 May 5;100(8):844–860. doi: 10.1111/aos.15159

Table 1.

Changes in commonly measured clinical signs and symptoms with HA treatment compared to baseline, sorted by publication date.

First Author (year) Design Population Setup Duration Symp. TBUT OSS Schi. Other outcomes
Brar S. (Brar et al. 2021) RCT 60 DED 0.1% HA x4/d 3 mo

↑ tear film osmolarity, ↑ TMH, ↑ MG loss, ↑ objective scatter index, ⟷ VA

Morya A. K. (Morya et al. 2021) SB RCT 384 mild‐to‐severe DED 0.1% HA x4/d 2 mo ⟷ TMH
Balestrazzi A. (Balestrazzi et al. 2020) OL RCT 19 DED with gastric reflux 0.2% HA x3/d 3 mo
Cai M. (Cai & Zhang 2020) SB RCT 45 moderate‐to‐severe DED HA x4/d 1mo
Laihia J. (Laihia et al. 2020) DB RCT 52 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.2% x3/d 1 mo
Garcia‐Conca V. (García‐Conca et al. 2019) SB RCT 84 mild‐to‐severe ADDE 0.18% HA x6/d 1 mo ⟷ tear osmolarity, ⟷ hyperemia, ⟷ VA, ⟷ CIC measures
Kim Y. (Kim et al. 2019) OL RCT 54 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.15% HA x5‐6/d 3 mo
Essa L. (Essa et al. 2018) SB RCT XO 50 DED 0.15% and 0.4% HA x3/d 1 mo ↑/⟷ r ↑ LIPCOF, ⟷ tear meniscus height,
Groß D. (Groß et al. 2018) SB RCT 80 moderate DED 0.1% HA x3/d 3 mo
Miháltz K. (Miháltz et al. 2018) SB RCT 25 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.2% HA x4/d 3 mo
Postorino E. (Postorino et al. 2018) SB RCT 40 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.15% HA x4/d 3 mo ⟷ MG assessment, ⟷ corneal sensitivity, ⟷ VA
Roberti G. (Roberti et al. 2018) SB RCT 39 DED using long term preserved glaucoma medication 0.2% HA x4/d 3 mo ⟷ goblet cell density by IVCM
Groß D. (Groß et al. 2017) SB RCT 60 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.2% HA x3/d 3 mo
0.18% HA x3/d
Labetoulle M. (Labetoulle et al. 2017) SB RCT 80 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.18% HA hypotonic x2‐6/d 3 mo
Lambiase A. (Lambiase et al. 2017) DB RCT 35 moderate DED 0.18% HA 2‐6/d 2 w
López‐de la Rosa A. (López‐de la Rosa et al. 2017) DB RCT XO 16 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.3% HA hypotonic x3‐8/d 1 mo x 2 ↑/⟷ ↑ tarsal hyperemia, ⟷ bulbar hyperemia
Park Y. (Park et al. 2017) SB RCT 176 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.1% HA x5‐6/d 3 mo ⟷ MG parameters
0.15% HA x5‐6/d
0.3% HA x5‐6/d
Pinto‐Fraga J. (Pinto‐Fraga et al. 2017) DB RCT XO 16 mild DED 0.2% HA x3‐8/d 1 mo x 2 ↑ bulbar hyperemia, ⟷ tarsal hyperemia
Chiambaretta F. (Chiambaretta et al. 2017) SB RCT 105 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.18% HA x3‐6/d 3 mo ↑ conjunctival hyperemia
Gong L. (Gong et al. 2015) SB RCT 489 moderate DED 0.1% HA x6/d 1 mo
Lanzini M. (Lanzini et al. 2015) PL 24 DED 0.2% HA x4/d 3 mo ↑ IVCM, ⟷ CIC measures
Liu X. (Liu et al. 2015) SB RCT 58 severe DED + glaucoma 0.3% HA x3/d 3 mo ↑ goblet cell density by CIC
Hwang H. S. (Hwang et al. 2014) OL RCT 128 moderate ADDE 0.1% HA x4/d 3 mo ↑ goblet cell density and CIC grade
Lee H. S. (Lee et al. 2014a) PL 30 mild DED 0.1% HA isotonic x4/d 3 mo
0.18% HA hypotonic x4/d
Lee J. E. (Lee et al. 2014b) OL RCT 86 moderate DED 0.1% HA x5/d 1 mo ↑/⟷ tear osmolarity
Aragona P. (Aragona et al. 2013) DB RCT 40 moderate‐to‐severe DED, SS 0.15% HA x5/d 3 mo ↑ morphometric analysis by IVCM
Kinoshita S. (Kinoshita et al. 2013) SB RCT 182 moderate DED 0.1% HA x6/d 1 mo 70% of patients reported symptomatic improvement with HA
Saeed N. (Saeed et al. 2013) OL PL 240 DED HA x2‐4/d 2 mo
Baeyens V. (Baeyens et al. 2012) DB RCT 303 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.18% HA x2‐4/d 3 mo Evaluated as moderately‐very effective by >60% of evaluators and participants
Liu X. (Liu et al. 2012) DB RCT 60 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.1% HA x4/d 1 mo ⟷ CIC measures
McCann L. C. (McCann et al. 2012) SB RCT 73 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.15% HA x4/d 3 mo ↑ evaporation, ↑ tear film stability by interferometry, ⟷ osmolarity
Takamura E. (Takamura et al. 2012) DB RCT 286 moderate DED 0.1% HA x6/d 1 mo
Lee J. H. (Lee et al. 2011) SB RCT 65 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.1% HA x6/d 2 mo
Monaco G. (Monaco et al. 2011) DB RCT XO 20 glaucoma patients with dry eye symptoms 0.2% HA x4/d 2 w x2
Sanchez M. (Sanchez et al. 2010) SB RCT 15 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.15% HA x4/d 1 mo ↑ HLA‐DR by CIC flow cytometry
Vogel R. (Vogel et al. 2010) DB RCT 436 moderate DED 0.18% HA hypotonic x3‐6/d 2 w
Johnson M. E. (Johnson et al. 2008) DB RCT 65 moderate DED 0.18% HA x2/d 1 mo
Troiano P. (Troiano & Monaco 2008) SB RCT XO 28 moderate DED 0.4% HA hypotonic x4/d 1 w x 2 ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑ conjunctival hyperemia, 61% preferred hypotonic over isotonic drops
0.4% HA isotonic x4/d ↑ conjunctival hyperemia
Rolando M. (Rolando & Valente 2007) OL RCT 30 mild‐to‐moderate DED 0.2% HA x3‐4/d 3 mo
Lee H. K. (Lee et al. 2006) DB RCT 41 DED (severity NG) 0.1% HA x3/d 1 mo ⟷ NFG/TP, ⟷ CIC measures
Benitez‐del‐Castillo J. M. (Benitez‐del‐Castillo et al. 2002) PL 6 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.18% HA x4/d 2 w s
Aragona P. Aug. 2002 (Aragona et al. 2002a) SB RCT 40 severe DED with SS 0.4% HA hypotonic x6/d 3 mo ↑↑ ↑↑ ↑↑ CIC measures
0.4% HA isotonic x6/d ↑ CIC measures
McDonald C. C. (McDonald et al. 2002) DB RCT XO 32 severe DED with SS 0.1% HA x3‐4/d 2 mo ↑/⟷
Milafzzo G. (Milafzzo et al. 2002) DB RCT XO 139 moderate KCS HA hypotonic 1 mo x 2 ↑↑
HA isotonic
Papa V. (Papa et al. 2001) DB RCT XO 139 moderate DED HA hypotonic up to x 6/d 1 mo x 2 ↑↑ ↑ conjunctival hyperemia
HA isotonic up to x 6/d ↑ conjunctival hyperemia
Iester M. (Iester et al. 2000) OL RCT 113 moderate‐to‐severe DED 0.4% HA hypotonic x6/d 3 mo ↑ tear osmolarity, ↑ CIC score
Condon P. I. (Condon et al. 1999) DB RCT XO 70 KCS, SS 0.1% HA x3‐4/d 1 mo x2
Yokoi N. (Yokoi et al. 1997) PL 7 SS + 4 moderate KCS 0.1% HA x5/d 1 mo
Nelson J. D. (Nelson & Farris 1988) DB RCT 35 moderate KCS 0.1% HA x8/d 2 mo ↑ tear film osmolality, ↑ conjunctival hyperemia, ↑/⟷ CIC measures
DeLuise V. P. (DeLuise & Peterson 1984) PL 28 severe DED, SS 0.1% HA x4/d 2 mo ↑ mucus strand formation, ⟷ TMH

⟷ = no statistically significant difference at p > 0.05 compared to baseline, ↑ = statistically significant improvement at p < 0.05 compared to baseline, ↑/⟷ = statistically significant improvement at p < 0.05 in some parameters and no difference in others compared to baseline, ↑↑ = statistically significant improvement at p > 0.05 compared to baseline and compared to other hyaluronic acid treatment arm (empty cell) = not described, ADDE = Aqueous‐deficient dry eye, CIC = conjunctival impression cytology, DB = double‐blinded, DED = dry eye disease/syndrome, IVCM = in vivo confocal microscopy, KCS = keratoconjunctivitis sicca, LIPCOF = lid parallel conjunctival folds, MG = meibomian gland, mo = month(s), NFG/TP = Nerve Growth Factor/total protein ratio, OL = open label, OSS = ocular surface staining, PL = prospective longitudinal study, r = phenol red test, RCT = randomized controlled trial, s = stromal fluorescein uptake by fluorophotometer, SB = single‐blinded, Schi. = Schirmer's test, SS = Sjögren's syndrome, Symp. = subjective symptoms, TBUT = tear film break‐up time, TMH = tear meniscus height, VA = visual acuity, w = weeks, XO = cross‐over design.