FIG. 1.
XS52 cells express mRNA for tlr2 and tlr4. (A) Total RNA was extracted from RAW cells and XS52 cells and analyzed by Northern blotting with radioactive probes specific for either tlr2 (TLR2) or tlr4 (TLR4). Membranes were rehybridized with a radioactive probe for GAPDH to ensure equal loading of RNA in each gel lane. X-ray film was exposed to membranes for various periods of time to detect radioactive signals (tlr2, 2 h; tlr4, 2 days; GAPDH, 1 h). (B) Detection of tlr2 and tlr4 mRNA in RAW cells and XS52 cells by RT-PCR. DNase-treated RNA (50 ng) was used as the template in each reaction. PCR products in lanes 1, 4, 7, and 10 were amplified with TLR2-specific primers. PCR products in lanes 2, 5, 8, and 11 were amplified using TLR4-specific primers. Products in lanes 3, 6, 9, and 12 were amplified with GAPDH-specific primers. + and −, reaction mixtures containing and lacking reverse transcriptase (RT), respectively. DNA fragment size markers are indicated on the left.