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. 2022 Dec 12;13:1048980. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1048980


Study characteristics.

Included studies Study type Country Stage Regimen Sample n History of prior chemotherapy n (%) PPI n (%) PPI use window Age, mean or median (SD or IQR) ECOG Follow-up* (months)
Bridoux et al (2022) Retrospective France I ∼ III CapeOx 215 0 (0) 25 (11.6) During Rx PPI+: 61 (56–71) PPI-: 62 (54–69) N/A 60
Kitazume et al. (2022) Retrospective Japan II ∼ III Capecitabine CapeOx 449,157 N/A 29 (6.5) 25 (15.9) 20% overlapping Rx PPI+: 63 (58–70) PPI-: 64 (57–71) PPI+: 61 (55–66) PPI-: 60 (51–67) N/A 60
Wong et al. (2019) Retrospective Canada II ∼ III CapeOx 214 0 (0) 50 (23.4) During Rx 59.5 (10.1) N/A 36
Rhinehart et al. (2019) Retrospective United States I ∼ IV Capecitabine 70 23 (32.9) 15 (21.4) 20% overlapping Rx PPI+: 65 (26) PPI-: 73 (24) N/A 72
Wang et al. (2017) Retrospective China IV CapeOx 364 0 (0) 215 (59.1) During Rx PPI+: 51.9 (N/A) PPI-: 51.2 (N/A) N/A 60
Zhang et al. (2017) Retrospective China II ∼ III CapeOx 125 0 (0) 63 (50.4) During Rx 55.8 (12) N/A 60
Sun et al. (2016) Retrospective Canada I ∼ III Capecitabine 298 0 (0) 77 (26.0) During Rx PPI+: 68.1 (N/A) PPI-: 67.6 (N/A) 0–2 60
 AXEPT (Xu et al., 2018) RCT China, Japan, and Korea IV mXELIRI 239 239 (100) 25 (10.5) 20% overlapping Rx 61 (52–67) 0–2 36
 N016966 (Saltz et al., 2008) RCT Multiple a IV CapeOxCapeOx + BEV 637,343 0 (0) 0 (0) 96 (15.1) 52 (15.2) During Rx 61 (18–83) 61 (18–86) 0–1 27.6
Wong et al. (2019) Retrospective Canada II ∼ III FOLFOX 175 0 (0) 49 (28) During Rx 59.4 (11.3) N/A 36
Wang et al. (2017) Retrospective China IV FOLFOX 307 0 (0) 259 (70.6) During Rx PPI+: 51.9 (N/A) PPI-: 51.3 (N/A) N/A 60
 HORIZON III (Schmoll et al., 2012) RCT Europe IV FOLFOX + BEV 666 0 (0) 87 (13.0) During Rx 60 (22–88) 0–1 N/A
 N016966 (Saltz et al., 2008) RCT Multiple a IV FOLFOX FOLFOX + BEV 629,329 0 (0) 0 (0) 120 (19.1) 46 (14.0) During Rx 60 (26–83) 60 (19–82) 0–1 27.6
 AXEPT (Xu et al., 2018) RCT China, Japan, and Korea IV FOLFIRI 243 243 (100) 24 (9.9) 20% overlapping Rx 60 (51–68) 0–2 36
Carrato et al. (2013) RCT Multiple b IV FOLFIRI 348 0 (0) 39 (11.0) During Rx PPI+: 59 (52–66) PPI-: 58 (51–65) 0–1 N/A
 VELOUR (Van Cutsem et al., 2012) RCT Multiple IV FOLFIRI 584 584 (100) 105 (18.0) During Rx PPI+: 59 (52–66) PPI-: 58 (51–65) 0–2 22.28
 RAISE (Tabernero et al., 2015) RCT Multiple d IV FOLFIRI FOLFIRI + RAM 477,469 477 (100) 469 (100) 124 (26.0) 108 (23.0) During Rx PPI+: 61 (55–70) PPI-: 61 (54–68) 0–1 21.7
 AVF2107g (Hurwitz et al., 2004) RCT Multiple e IV IFL IFL + BEV 394,386 0 (0) 0 (0) 67 (17.0) 89 (23.1) During Rx PPI+: 59 (52–65) PPI-: 60 (52–69) 0–1 N/A
Post hoc analysis of RCTs
Kichenadasse et al. (2021) Post hoc analysis of trials of N016966, Carrato 2013, VELOUR, RAISE, and AVF2107g
Kim et al. (2021) Post hoc analysis of AXEPT trial

Abbreviations: PPI, proton pump inhibitors; SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; ECOG, eastern cooperative oncology group; CapeOx, capecitabine + oxaliplatin; Rx, treatment; N/A, non-available.

RCT, randomized controlled trial; mXELIRI, capecitabine + irinotecan; BEV, bevacizumab; FOLFOX, folinic acid, fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin; FOLFIRI, leucovorin, fluorouracil, and irinotecan.

RAM, ramucirumab; IFL, irinotecan, leucovorin, and fluorouracil.


United States, South America, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan Korea, Thailand, Turkey, South Africa, and Israel.


Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, South America, and Canada.


United States, South America, Europe, Russia, Turkey, and South Africa.


United States, South America, Europe, Australia, India, Israel, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan.


United States, Australia, and New Zealand.