Fig. 2. Associations of time-varying perinatal metal(loid) mixture exposures and cystatin C-based eGFR at age 9 years.
(a) L-WQS constrained in the positive direction and (b) associated weights. Li was the highest weighted metal(loid) contributing to a positive association with eGFR after 24 weeks postnatal but this is not significant. (c) L-WQS constrained in the negative direction. Prenatal metal(loid) mixture exposure 8–17 weeks before birth was associated with decreased eGFR. (d) The highest weighted metal(loid)s contributing to the association in this window were Li and Cr. The solid black line represents the smoothed, time-varying association between the metal(loid) mixture and eGFR; shaded region indicates 95% confidence limits and error bars are Holm-Bonferroni correction.