Histological analysis and effect of WD on the liver acyl-CoA composition. A–H, representative bright field images of H&E-stained liver sections from male (A–D) and female (E–H), WT and Nudt7-/- (KO) mice fed the CD and WD. I and M, total liver CoA levels in (I) male and (M) female mice fed the WD. J and N, short- and medium-chain acyl-CoA composition of livers from (J) male and (N) female mice fed the WD. K and O, combined peak areas of C5:0-C10:0 dicarboxylic acyl-CoAs in males (K) and females (O). L and P, rate of fatty acid β-oxidation in primary hepatocytes isolated from WD-fed male (L) and female (P) mice in the presence or absence of etomoxir. Data are shown as the mean (bar) of measurements conducted on individual mice (circles) ± SD. Student’s t test, ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. CD, control diet; Perox., peroxisomal (+etomoxir), Mitoch., mitochondrial (total – peroxisomal fatty acid oxidation); WD, Western diet.