Table 1.
Summary of scales and measuresa used in student survey
Domain | Scale/item Content | No. Items |
Demographics | ||
-various | age, gender, residential status, country of birth, age of arrival in Australia, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage, English language competency, highest academic qualification, current living arrangements, hours of paid work; enrolment characteristics (incl. faculty, level of study, area of study, current enrolment type, academic year, attendance mode, hours spent on campus, course fee paying status), private health insurance, relationship status | 20 |
General Health and Wellbeing | ||
-self-reported general health | from Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) [40] | 1 |
-height & weight | self-report height and weight [41] | 2 |
-nutrition | daily serves of fruit and vegetables [41] | 2 |
-sleep | average sleep per nightb | 1 |
-physical activity | weekly physical activity [41](adapted) | 1 |
-chronic health condition | chronic physical condition or disabilityb | 1 |
-sexual & reproductive health | sexual orientationb | 1 |
sex education [42](adapted) | 1 | |
meeting sexual partner/sb | 1 | |
contraceptive use [42](adapted) | 2 | |
Mental Health | ||
-self-reported mental health |
self-reported mental health condition [43] concern about current mental/emotional state [44] |
1 1 |
-depressive symptomsc | Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ9) [45] | 9 |
-anxiety symptomsc | Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 [46] | 7 |
-suicidality | self-harm or suicide attempts [47](adapted) | 1 |
-eating disorder symptomsc | Sick Control One stone Fat Food (SCOFF) [48] | 5 |
-resiliencec | Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) [49] | 10 |
Risk Taking Behaviours | ||
-tobacco use | self-reported tobacco use [43, 50](adapted) | 3 |
-hazardous alcohol usec | Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C) [51] | 3 |
-illicit drug use | self-reported illicit drug use [43, 50](adapted) | 3 |
-sex | past sexually transmitted infection (STI) [42] | 1 |
number of sexual partners [42](adapted) | 1 | |
sexual partners overlapping in timeb | 1 | |
experiences of unwanted sex [42](adapted) | 1 | |
-perpetration of intimate partner violence | perpetration of controlling, threatening, physically abusive, fear-inducing or sexually abusive behaviourb | 5 |
Psychosocial Stressors | ||
-financial concerns | difficulty affording food or medication [52](adapted) | 2 |
providing services in return for accommodationb | 1 | |
homelessnessb | 1 | |
-unwanted sexual contact | experiences of forced/unwanted sexual contact [53, 54] | 6 |
-intimate partner fear/violencec | Self-reported fear of partner [55] | 30 |
Composite Abuse Scale (CAS) [56] | ||
-acculturative stressc | Social, Attitudinal, Familial and Environmental Acculturative Stress Scale (SAFE) [57] | 13 |
-discrimination | experiences of discrimination at university and/or in the wider community [58](adapted) | 2 |
-academic stressors | a range of possible academic stressors experienced at university [29](adapted) | 1 |
Learning and Academic Factors | ||
-semester subject failuresd | number of subjects failed in Semester 1, 2019 | N/A |
-average gradese | self-report of average overall grade during current course of studyb | 1 |
-course subjects failede | self-report of any subjects failed during current course of studyb | 1 |
-considered dropping out | considered dropping out from current course and reasons whyb | 2 |
-learning stylec | Adelaide Diagnostic Learning Instrument, Brief (ADLIB) [59] | 21 |
Social and Cultural Environment | ||
-social supportc | Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS-SSS) [60] | 6 |
-friendship groups | friendship groups in Australiab | 1 |
-organised social/sport group | involvement in organised social, sporting or recreational groups [50](adapted) | 1 |
-cultural values | values relating to family, individualism, achievement, hedonism and reserveb | 10 |
-intimate relationships | relationship status [41](adapted) | 1 |
-social media use | social media use and related stressb | 2 |
-health service awareness | awareness of university student health/wellbeing and support services [44](adapted) | 1 |
-health service access | use of university student support services and university or community health/wellbeing servicesb; [41]; [44](adapted) | 4 |
-health information & online services | sources of health information consulted [61](adapted) | 1 |
use of online health and wellbeing services [62](adapted) | 1 | |
-unmet need | unable to access mental health care or general health care when it was needed [50, 61](adapted) | 2 |
-barriers to service use | barriers experienced in accessing mental or general health care [50, 61](adapted) | 2 |
aNot all items were presented to every participant (see text for details); not all measures are reported in the present paper; derivation of scores from scales is described in Supplementary Appendix 1
bItem/s devised by research team
cDerivation of scale scores explained in Supplementary Appendix 1
dData obtained from university academic records from students consenting to linkage with academic records
eMeasured only in students not consenting to linkage with academic records, but not reported in this paper