The performance of activity and network inference from a simulation benchmark. a TF activity inference. TF activity was inferred by several methods using the gene expression data simulated from the synthetic TF-target gene regulatory network (GRN) and the corresponding regulons. For each TF, we computed Spearman correlations between the inferred activity and simulated activity (ground truth) for all the simulated models. Then, we calculated the average correlation values over all TFs. The plots show the median of average correlations for the cases where we used the original regulons defined by the TF-target network (0% perturbation), and the regulons where 5 (25% perturbation), 10 (50% perturbation), and 15 (75% perturbation) target genes are randomly replaced with non-interacting genes. The median values were computed over 100 repeats of random replacement for each perturbation level, and the values of the average correlations are reported for the case of zero perturbation. Shown are the results for NetAct (black), NCA (gray), VIPER (cyan), AUCELL 1 where regulons contain only positively associated target genes (orange), and AUCELL 2 where regulons contain all target genes (red). b–d Network inference. The panels show the performance of network inference algorithms from the simulation benchmark by the precision and recall for different link selection thresholds. b Network inference performance against all ground truth regulatory interactions. Tested methods are GENIE3, GRNBoost2, and PPCOR, using transcription factor (TF) expression; GENIE3 using TF activity inferred by AUCell; NetAct using its inferred TF activity. For the latter two methods, original (unperturbed) regulons obtained from the regulatory network were used. c Network inference performance of NetAct against all ground truth regulatory interactions using the regulons with 0% (the original), 25%, 50%, and 75% target perturbations. d Network inference performance of NetAct in discovering new regulatory interactions not existing in the regulons. NetAct was applied using the regulons at different perturbation levels (25%, 50%, and 75%). The benchmark results shown here are for the case of the untreated simulation. The results for the case of the knockdown simulation are shown in Additional file 2: Fig. S7