(A) Participant wearing a neuromusculoskeletalprosthesis connected to his skeleton, nerves, and muscles. Implanted electrodes on muscles and nerves are used for control (red) and sensory feedback (blue), respectively. The interface between internal and external components of the bionic hand is through an osseointegrated implant into the bone.
(B) Cumulative time of prosthetic actuation (NP1 = 56, NP2 = 532, NP3 = 222).
(C) Cumulative time per day of neurostimulation foreach of the three participants (NP1 = 60, NP2 = 264, NP3 = 102). The prosthesis was worn all the time that the participants were awake during the day.
(D) Distribution of stimulation frequencies for the three participants over 100-ms epochs during contact events (NP1 = 348861, NP2 = 4818708, NP3 = 2796206). The horizontal bars represent the median values.