Figure 3.
High-resolution cryo-EM structure of GPC-I53-50NPs
(A) Sample micrograph (white scale bar corresponds to 100 nm), 2D class averages, and initial 3D reconstruction of the GPC-I53-50NP are displayed in the top left part of the panel. Focused refinement was applied to reconstruct the 3D map of the nanoparticle core (right). The structure of the I53-50NP is shown inside the map (I53-50A—yellow; I53-50B—blue; map—transparent white surface). Localized reconstruction approach was used for analysis of the presented antigen (bottom left). Refined GPC model is shown in dark gray with glycans displayed in golden yellow.
(B) Comparison of the cryo-EM structure of GPC (dark gray) and the crystal structure of GPC (light gray) in complex with 18.5C antibody (green) (PDB: 6P9120) with the overlay of the two structures shown below. Comparison of the fusion peptide conformations is displayed in the bottom right part of this panel (cryo-EM model—pink; crystal structure—turquoise). Side chains of residues G260-W264 are displayed in each case. Comparison of the apex conformations in two structures is displayed in the top right part of this panel. The distances between N119 glycans are shown for each model (cryo-EM model—pink; crystal structure—turquoise).