Fig. 6.
Intratumoral (IT) large surface area microparticle docetaxel (LSAM-DTX) is highly efficacious in reducing renal tumor growth. a Renca (ATCC® CRL-2947™) xenografts in immunocompetent BALB/c (BALB/cAnNCrl) female mice; n = 15/group; treatment was initiated 13 days after implant when mean TVs = 58 mm.3. On day 26 following primary (1°) tumor implant on the right flank, animals received a second (2°) implant on the left flank. On day 33, 1° tumor volume (TV) in IT LSAM-DTX is significantly reduced vs. IT vehicle (****p < 0.0001) and IV docetaxel (***p < 0.001). Data plotted through point when ≥ 50% of animals in group survived. b Reduced TV growth in untreated 2° tumors in animals whose 1° tumors were treated with IT LSAM-DTX suggests an abscopal effect. 1° mean TV from days 13–23 after implant in animals treated with IT vehicle (n = 15), IV docetaxel (n = 15), or IT LSAM-DTX (n = 8: analysis restricted to the 53% of animals with 1° and 2° implants that survived through day 45) compared to untreated 2° mean TV from day 11 to day 23 after implant in the IT LSAM-DTX group (**p < 0.01; 2° LSAM-DTX vs IT Vehicle). Animals whose 1° tumors were treated with IT vehicle or IV docetaxel experienced rapid 1° tumor growth such that 100% reached trigger for humane sacrifice 7 days after second implant; prior to 2° tumor reaching detectable volume. Animals administered a single cycle of IV docetaxel at 10 mg/kg experienced body weight loss and adverse clinical signs that necessitated dose modification as follows: a delay in the second cycle from day 8 to day 11, second cycle dose reduction to 5.0 mg/kg, and cancellation of the third cycle. No dose modification was required for the LSAM-DTX-treated groups. Adapted with permission from [10]