(A) Experimental design for RNA-seq.
(B) PCA of RNA-seq data.
(C) Volcano plots comparing the expression levels of various genes between day 2-CRISPR-quiescent and day 2-CRISPR-proliferative.
(D) Hierarchical clustering of single-sample GSEA of HSPC-related gene sets by gene set variation analysis (GSVA).
(E) GSEA of upregulated gene sets, comparing HSCs and MPPs between day 7-CRISPR-quiescent and day 7-CRISPR-proliferative.
(F) GSEA of downregulated gene sets, comparing HSCs and MPPs between day 7-CRISPR-quiescent and day 7-CRISPR-proliferative.
(G) GSEA of upregulated gene sets comparing HSCs and MPPs between preculture and day 7-CRISPR-quiescent.
See also Tables S1 and S2.