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. 2022 Jun 20;77(10):2987–3001. doi: 10.1111/all.15399



scRNA‐Seq of airway TH cells pinpoints large clonal outgrowths and a shared differentiation trajectory for TH17, TH2, Treg and other activated TH cell clusters. Side‐by‐side with a 5′ gene transcription library (Figure 5), a VDJ library was amplified and sequenced on TH cells isolated from the airways of mice. (A) The frequency of the top 100 expressed TCRs is shown. (B) The frequency of V gene usage across the TRAV and TRBV gene loci. (C) Clonotype count distributions. Each ball corresponds to a clonotype in the given cluster, with the size of the ball proportional to the number of cells of that clone within the cluster. The clusters are placed in similar positions to the UMAP plot (Figure 5A). (D) Lorenz curves, plotting the proportion of clonotypes against the proportion of cells in a cluster. (E) Correlation matrix of the number of cells expressing each TCR between each pair of clusters, after a variance stabilizing square root transformation