Assembly and annotation of Sturnus vulgaris in comparison to other avian reference assemblies and annotations. (a) busco (Aves) assessments of assembly completeness of S. vulgaris vAU1.0, and the NCBI uploaded genome S. vulgaris vAU1.1, presented alongside S. vulgaris vNA and four recent high‐quality avian reference genomes (Taeniopygia guttata assembly accession GCF_008822105.2, Passer domesticus assembly accession GCA_001700915.1, Calypte anna assembly accession GCA_003957555.2, Parus major assembly accession GCA_001522545.3). (b) busco (Aves) assessments of initial maker2 and gemoma assemblies, the merged S. vulgaris vAU1.0 annotation, the merged annotation with the longest protein‐per‐gene extracted using saaga, the final S. vulgaris vNA annotation (combined gemoma and maker2 annotation), and the ensemble annotations of three additional avian genomes