Transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) in Caco-2 control cells or treated with 5 μg/mL of recombinant zonulin, properdin, FXa or CD5L for 8 h. TEER values were reported in terms of percentage with respect to the initial value. There was a decrease in the TEER % initial value of the monolayer treated with each recombinant compared to control. * Control vs. 5 μg/mL of zonulin-treated cells. # Control vs. 5 μg/mL of properdin-treated cells. $ Control vs. 5 μg/mL of FXa-treated cells. + Control vs. 5 μg/mL of CD5L-treated cells (*: p < 0.05, #: p < 0.05, $: p < 0.05, +: p < 0.05). FX: Factor X; FXa: Factor Xa; CD5L:CD5-like antigen