ChI optogenetic stimulation increases EtOH consumption. (A) Schematic of the DID behavioral experiment. ChAT.ChR2 and ChAT.cre mice underwent fiber optic implant in the NAc surgery at 4–5 weeks of age, recovered and habituated to reverse-dark-light schedule. ChAT.ChR2 and ChAT.cre mice were optogenetically stimulated during 4 days of 20% alcohol exposure and tethered to the fiber cord while ChAT.ChR2 not stimulated (NS) mice were only tethered to the fiber cord. (B) Schematic of the bilateral optic fiber cannula implant in the NAc (top left panel), locations of bilateral implants in 8 ChR2 mice that were used for the experiment (top right panel), example image of cannula placement in DIC (bottom left panel), and fluorescent light (bottom right panel). (C) Average daily alcohol consumption over 4 days in optically stimulated ChR2 mice (ChR2), non-stimulated ChR2 mice (ChR2 NS), and stimulated ChAT-cre mice (Cre controls). (D) Graphs of alcohol licks during 1 h period in representative stimulated (top graph, blue bars) and non-stimulated ChR2 mice (bottom, gray bars). (E) Daily average of alcohol licks over 4 days of alcohol exposure in optically stimulated ChR2 mice (ChR2), non-stimulated ChR2 mice (ChR2 NS), and stimulated ChAT-cre mice (Cre controls). (F) Frequency of alcohol licks as measured by average licking bout inter-event interval (IEI) per mouse over a 4-day period. (G) Representative plots of mouse activity as measured by passive infrared (PIR) activity monitoring system and corresponding EtOH licks in ChR2 (Left graphs, blue bars) and Cre control mice (right graphs, black bars). (H) The number of licks is not correlated with mice locomotor activity in ChR2 (blue symbols) and Cre control groups (black symbols). (I) Saccharine consumption measured as number of licks/hr over 4 days in 1 h-long optogenetically stimulated ChR2 (blue circles) and Cre control mice (black triangles). (J) Water consumption measured as number of licks/hr over 4 days in 1 h-long optogenetically stimulated ChR2 and Cre control mice. (K) Ambulatory activity test of ChR2 and Cre control mice during ChI optogenetic stimulation. Ambulation time course shows average beam breaks every 5 min for 40 min of the test. Total ambulation shows the total beam breaks in 40 min, fine movement shows grooming activity and vertical ambulation shows rearing activity. *p < 0.05, ns, no significant difference.