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. 2022 Dec 15;9:926064. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.926064

Table 5.

Mean baseline values, within-group changes after 3–months and the net between-group differences for the change for body composition and indices of vascular and hematological function in Allo-HCT and Control groups.

Measure Allo-HCT Control Δ net difference Group, Time, Group x Time,
(HCT vs. Con) p p p
Weight, kg
Baseline 80.7 ± 18.2 74.3 ± 14.4
3–months 76.9 ± 18.1 73.6 ± 15.2
Δ −3.8 (−6.0, −1.5)** −0.6 (−3.3, 2.1) −3.2 (−6.7, 0.4) 0.48 0.016 0.082
Body mass index, kg.m −2
Baseline 27.4 ± 6.2 24.6 ± 3.7
3–months 26.2 ± 6.3 24.4 ± 3.7
Δ −1.2 (−2.0, −0.5)** −0.2 (−1.1, 0.7) −1.0 (−2.2, 0.2) 0.26 0.014 0.090
Total LM, kg
Baseline 51.7 ± 12.9 49.5 ± 10.1
3–months 48.5 ± 11.9 49.5 ± 10.3
Δ −3.2 (−4.3, −2.0)*** 0.0 (−1.4, 1.4) −3.2 (−5.0, −1.3) 0.001 0.88 0.001
Total FM, kg
Baseline 25.9 ± 10.3 21.8 ± 8.8
3–months 25.3 ± 9.6 21.3 ± 8.1
Δ −0.6 (−2.7, 1.5) −0.5 (−3.0, 2.0) −0.1 (−3.4, 3.2) 0.25 0.48 0.95
Body fat percentage, %
Baseline 31.8 ± 8.9 29.0 ± 8.8
3–months 32.5 ± 8.5 28.6 ± 7.5
Δ 0.7 (−1.4, 2.9) −0.4 (−3.0, 2.2) 1.1 (−2.2, 4.5) 0.28 0.84 0.50
SBP, mmHg
Baseline 129 ± 19 118 ± 15
3–months 127 ± 20 118 ± 14
Δ −2 (−10, 6) 0 (−10, 10) −2 (−14, 11) 0.071 0.78 0.80
DBP, mmHg
Baseline 77 ± 15 70 ± 11
3–months 77 ± 13 70 ± 11
Δ 0 (−5, 5) −1 (−7, 6) 1 (−7, 8) 0.11 0.90 0.90
Hemoglobin, g.L −1
Baseline 114.5 ± 20.0 138.9 ± 10.5
3–months 107.2 ± 13.3 142.3 ± 9.7
Δ −7.3 (−16.5, 1.9) 3.4 (−8.6, 15.4) −10.7 (−25.8, 4.4) <0.001 0.61 0.16

All baseline and 3–month values are unadjusted means ± SDs; all within-group changes are unadjusted mean (95% CI) and expressed as absolute change from baseline. Mean net differences were calculated by subtracting the within–group changes from baseline in the control group from the within–group change from baseline in the allo–HCT group after 3 months. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 vs. baseline. DBP, diastolic blood pressure; FM, fat mass; LM, lean body mass; SBP, systolic blood pressure.