Figure 3.
Many genetic correlations and heritabilities vary by self-reported background
Fractional genetic correlation plots where each phenotype is represented by a node and the fractional genetic correlations are represented by connections (edges) between nodes. The size of the node is proportional to the phenotype heritability. The thickness of the edge is proportional to the magnitude of the fractional genetic correlation and the color represents direction: orange represents positive and purple negative correlation.
(A) Fractional genetic correlations ( between the 28 phenotypes in the combined TOPMed dataset (p < 0.05, n = 33,959).
(B–D) Fractional genetic correlations () between the 28 phenotypes in subsets of TOPMed individuals grouped by self-reported race/ethnic background: Hispanic/Latino (B) (marine, n = 8,762), Black (C) (orange, n = 8,054), and White (D) (gray, n = 17,143).