Figure 5.
Exhausted CD8 T cells are a consequence of differentiation
(A) Heatmap showing the transition of all CD8+ tumor-infiltrating cells quantified by pSTARTRAC-tran indices for each patient (n = 6).
(B–D) Developmental transition of CD8_C03(Tex) cells (B), CD8_C02 (Tex,trans) (C), and CD8_C05 (Tex.prol) (D) clusters with other CD8+ cluster cells quantified by pSTARTRAC-tran indices for each patient (n = 6), Kruskal-Wallis test.
(E) UMAP distribution of cells bearing a selected TCR of interest (shared among CD8_C02, CD8_C03, and CD8_C05).
(F) Cluster distribution of top 30 shared TCRs and colored by the CD8+ tumor-infiltrating cell clusters. Left, shared among CD8_C02 (Tex,trans), CD8_C03 (Tex), and CD8_C05 (Tex.prol); right, shared only between CD8_C02, and CD8_C03.
(G) Visualization of the silhouette coefficient score on the UMAP of the CD8+ tumor-infiltrating cells. Silhouette coefficient is calculated on the basis of the mean intracluster distance and the mean of the nearest cluster distance for each cell of each cluster.
(H) UMAP showing the label transfer result from the CD8_C02-GZMK cluster, each color represents a different cluster as in Figure 2A.
(I and J) Quantification of each cluster contribution to shared clones. Each dot corresponds to a shared clone between the three clusters: CD8_C02 (Tex,trans), CD8_C03 (Tex), and CD8_C04 (NK-like) in all sites (I), ovarian sites (J) (left), omental sites (J) (middle), and other metastasis sites (J) (right) of CD8+ tumor-infiltrating cells. Dots highlighted in red correspond to clones that are shared with the proliferation cluster (CD8_C05).