Aurora A inhibition inactivates YAP and decreases fibrotic gene
expression partly through regulating actin polymerization.
(A) Rhodamine phalloidin (yellow) and YAP (green)
fluorescent images showing F-actin fibers and YAP localization after
treating HLFs with DMSO or MK-5108, combined with TGFβ (5 ng/ml),
Rho activator II (0.5 μg/ml), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) (10
μM), or sphingosine 1-phosphophate (S1P) (1 μM) treatment.
Scale bars, 10 μm. (B) Quantification of YAP
nuclear localization in A. Percentage of cells with
positive nuclear YAP staining normalized to control are shown as
percentage of control value. Data represent
mean ± SD,
n = 3.
****P < 0.0001
***P < 0.001,
one-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparisons test.
(C and D) Profibrotic genes
CTGF and CYR61 expression at 4
hours or 16 hours normalized to DMSO shown as percentage of control
value, after treating HLFs with 10 μM MK-5108 alone or combined
with TGFβ and Rho activator II, LPA, or S1P. Data represent
mean ± SD,
n = 3.
****P < 0.0001,
one-way ANOVA with Sidak’s multiple comparisons test.
(E) Fluorescent images (scale bar, 10 µm)
and (F) quantifications showing MRTFA
(Myocardin-Related Transcription Factor A) localization after treating
HLFs with DMSO or MK-5108, combined with TGFβ (5 ng/ml). Scale
bar, 10 μm. Data represent mean ± SD,
n = 6.
****P < 0.0001,
unpaired t test.