Shear-induced activation of neutrophils. (A) Maximum shear stress within the flow module occurs at the intersection of vertical access ports and horizontal microchannel (red arrows); based on the simulation, the maximum shear stress is 0.4−2 at an inlet flow rate of 10 µL.min−1 and neutrophils should not become activated by the fluid dynamics within the flow module. (B) Upon exposure of neutrophils to IL-8 or shear stresses above 1.5−2, they become activated and shed the surface marker, L-selectin. Quantitative analysis of neutrophil activation based on L-selectin loss shows that the percentage of activated neutrophils in the negative control and flow module are not statistically different, while the positive control with neutrophils treated with 10−1 of the cytokine IL8 shows a significant statistical difference (*p < 0.05, n = 4).