Fig. 15.
a In-situ XANES spectra of Cu K-edge for Cu–N–C SAC catalyst in the cathode (top) and anode (bottom) at different potentials; The selecting XANES spectra at b 0.82 V, c 0.50 V, d 0.10 V, with theoretical Cu–N4, Cu–N3, Cu–N2–OH as comparison, respectively, also with each model in each right bottom inset; e At U = 0 V, the Gibbs Free Energy plots of each ORR steps on Cu–N4 and Cu–N3 sites [138]; Reused with approval; Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. f In-situ Mössbauer spectroscopy of the 57Fe–N–C at various potentials and g the matching relative content of D1, D2, D3, D4 for FeN4; The AIMD simulations for the average bond distance in FeN4C8 * 2OH at h 0 K, vacuum, i 298 K, electrolyte, electric field of 0.4 V Å−1 [143]. Reused with approval; Copyright 2022 Elsevier