Brain and body temperatures in Sham (n = 15), ECPR (n = 20), and CP-ECPR (n = 20) groups during procedures. Temperatures in (A) the nasopharynx and (B) the rectum measured in a time-dependent manner in 3 groups. The cerebral temperature decreased sharply after the initiation of hypothermic brain perfusion and stabilized after 30 minutes in the CP-ECPR group. The rectal temperature of the CP-ECPR rats slightly dropped but never less than 34.5 °C. Graphs represent means ± standard deviation. ###P < .001 represents Sham versus CP-ECPR, ∗∗∗P < .001 represents ECPR versus CP-ECPR. ECPR, Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CP-ECPR, SHCP combined ECPR.