Functions of the autotransporter passenger domains
Organism | Protein | Function(s)a | Reference(s) |
Bordetella spp. | Pertactin | Adhesin | 22, 94, 95 |
BrkA | Serum resistance | 41 | |
TcfA | Adhesin | 46 | |
Vag8 | Adhesin? | 45 | |
Dichelobacter nodosus | BprV | Elastase? | 131 |
BprB | Elastase? | 96 | |
AprV2 | Elastase? | 149 | |
BprX | Elastase? | 96 | |
Escherichia coli | EspP | Proteolytic toxin | 16, 32 |
Pet | Proteolytic toxin | 37 | |
Sat | Proteolytic toxin | 61a | |
Tsh | Hemagglutinin/hemoglobin binding | 114, 126 | |
Pic | Mucinase | 69 | |
AIDA-I | Adhesin | 9 | |
TibA | Adhesin | 98 | |
Ag43 | Biofilm formation/ adhesin | 74 | |
Haemophilus influenzae | IgA1 protease | Cleavage of IgA1 | 125 |
Hap | Adhesin/protease | 144 | |
Hia | Adhesin | 5 | |
Hsf | Adhesin | 143 | |
Helicobacter mustelae | Hsr | S layer? | 113 |
Helicobacter pylori | VacA | Toxin | 130 |
BabA | Adhesin | 81 | |
Moraxella catarrhalis | UspA1 | Adhesin | 2 |
UspA2 | Serum resistance | 2 | |
UspA2h | Adhesin | 90 | |
Neisseria spp. | IgA1 protease | Cleavage of IgA1 | 123 |
Pasteurella haemolytica | Ssa1 | Protease | 60, 99 |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | EstA | Esterase | 155 |
Pseudomonas fluorescens | PspA | Protease | 84 |
PspB | Protease | 84 | |
Rickettsiales | rOmpA | Adhesin | 29 |
rOmpB | S layer/adhesin | 52 | |
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium | ApeE | Esterase | 19 |
Serratia marcesens | PrtS | Protease | 103 |
PrtT | Protease | 103 | |
Ssp-H1 | Protease | 110 | |
Ssp-H2 | Protease | 110 | |
Shigella flexneri | SepA | Protease/inflammation/invasion | 7 |
Pic | Mucinase | 69 | |
SigA | Proteolytic toxin | 3 | |
IcsA | Mediator of intracellular motility | 58 | |
Xenorhabdus luminescens | PlaA | Lipase | 152 |
A list with items separated by a shill(s) indicates a multiplicity of functions.