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. 2022 Sep 14;62(6):1849–1863. doi: 10.1093/icb/icac144

Table 1.

Characteristics of software used to infer recent declines in this study. SFS = site-frequency spectrum, LD = linkage disequilibrium, WGS = whole-genome sequencing, RAD = restriction-associated DNA or similar reduced-representation data, VCF = variant call format file.

Software Inference method Data type Temporal scheme Input format Additional inputs
momi2 SFS WGS or RAD Contemporary or temporal SFS/VCF* Mutation rate, generation time
Stairway Plot SFS WGS Contemporary only SFS/VCF* Mutation rate, generation time
NeEstimator LD RAD Temporal Genepop Chromosome locations (optional)
GONE LD WGS Contemporary only PLINK Recombination map (optional)

Note that the SFS-based methods accept an SFS for their input but that this SFS can be calculated from a standard VCF file.