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. 2022 Apr 18;1(2):pgac046. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac046

Table 1.

Summary of linear mixed models for breaking leaf buds and colored leaves (day of year) stages. Linear mixed models include the fixed effects (temperature, log (ALAN), and the interaction term of temperature and ALAN, shown below) and random effects (species and year) for the intercept (shown as Tables S2 and S3, Supplementary Material). CI is 97.5%. The Estimates columns represent changes in phenology under 1°C increase in temperature or 1 unit of logarithmic increase in ALAN. The negative sign indicates phenology advance in days.

Breaking leaf buds Colored leaves
Predictors Estimates CI P Estimates CI P
(Intercept) 0.33 −3.90 to 4.57 0.88 −0.73 −4.82 to 3.37 0.73
Temperature −3.49 −3.69 to −3.29 < 0.001 1.30 0.71 to 1.87 < 0.001
Log (ALAN) −1.43 −1.82 to −1.04 < 0.001 2.60 1.87 to 3.33 < 0.001
Interaction 0.02 −0.07 to 0.11 0.66 −0.59 −0.86 to −0.32 < 0.001